Saturday, January 24, 2009

Tonight ladies and gentlemen, we have a very special guest....

That is right, this is Brian, Mandi's husband writing tonight. You see, for a change, Mandi made dinner tonight and is complaining that we don't have any tongs to get the hot dogs out of the boiling water. She also left me alone with the wee one and the not-so-hairy-anymore one for a couple of hours today while she went out shopping with her mother. It wasn't a very exciting time, I finished making cookies while Jacob was in his room and supposed to be sleeping. He never did. Then we played "Don't break the ice" and watched Winnie the Pooh. Tomorrow we are going to Cedar Rapids to the Playstation to play. I've never been there, but I hear it is fun. Now, something that gets my blood a boilin', fat, lazy people who park in the fire lanes in front of stores. Are you really that lazy? Some exercise would probably do you some good anyways. If you can't handle the cold, dress warmer or stay home. This is Iowa, you should be used to the winters we get. Lastly, it is just more dangerous for everyone else. What if there was a fire or an emergency while you left your car unattended. Or what about how narrow the lanes are already, and there are pedestrians (whom nobody yields to anyway) and other motorists trying to get through. There just isn't enough room with you parked there, and there is absolutely no reason why you should be parked there. Well, my hot dogs are getting cold, so goodnight all and have a wonderful night.

1 comment:

Shannon said...

Hi Bri. When I read the title I thought it was both you and Mandi blogging together. LOL Anyway you sound like me with all the fire lane stuff. I don't know why people are so lazy they have to be let out or have to park there to load up there bags. Yeah so you are not alone there. I hope Mandi had a good time shopping with her mom. I hope to hear from you soon about Emrick!