Monday, May 4, 2009

Catching Up

Last week was really hard being by myself with my two (OMIGOD, two!) beautiful children. Even though my parents are really helpful and basically on-call all week when Burger is gone and my bestest friend Megan will talk to me on the phone 24/7 if that's what I need to stay sane, it's still really hard to have two snotty, sweating, jabbering non-stop little people hanging off of me for a whole week with no Burger for backup! Every time he's gone for school it makes me realize how much I need him, not only to help me with things around the house but also just to talk to and be by. But especially now that there are two (OMIGOD, I'm still in shock, can you tell?) kids, I really get slammed when Burger's gone. I get stressed out really easily and don't sleep well when he's gone, so that doesn't help any! But, we all enjoyed the weekend and having Burger back. Burger and I went to a movie together and grocery shopping with no kids and that was a treat! My mom got a bumper pool table for free from a garage sale and gave it to us, so it's in our backyard and we played that a little this weekend. Jacob and Burger went on a bike ride together. Burger mowed the lawn and killed some wasps. It was a rather enjoyable, laid-back kind of weekend.

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