Thursday, June 5, 2008

Boring Days

Story of my life. Went to work, got Subway for lunch, Kerry came and ate lunch with us, Jake didn't take a nap until 3:30 this afternoon, and Burger is working late. It is ten after seven and he's not home yet. I miss him. Jacob and I are bored. I thought about going to the store, but I don't have anything to buy. Pretty soon it will be time for Jacob to go to bed, then I will be all by myself until Burger gets home. They are tying in a fire alarm at work, or something like that. The guy didn't get there until 5pm and Burger wasn't sure how long it would take. I'm tired of waiting. Jacob has the worst cold/allergies ever. I have been giving him Claritin, and that seems to make him feel better until the evenings. But I can only give it to him once a day because it is a 24 hour formula. So he is kind of miserable right now. He is eating fine and drinking fine, and I really think he has allergies. But I'm just the mom, I don't know what I'm talking about. Good night everyone. Wishing you all the best.

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