OK, so I am really bad at Picture a Day May! Soon it will June and I feel like I have kind of failed at this mission. I will admit, I have posted WAY more than I probably would have, had I not promised a picture a day in May. So, that counts for something, right?
1.) We went for a walk in the rain on Friday. The kids thought it was fun to wear their rain coats. They already wear their rain boots all the time!
2.) Emrick dressed as a cowgirl when we went to Jacob's school for Family Gathering.
3.) Today we went to a car show and there was an Army helicopter there for the kids to see. They got to climb right up there and check everything out. My kids thought it was the most awesome thing ever! We had a great time!
4.)The kids playing ball at Grandpa Oldenburger's house on Saturday. They took turns with the bat and Jacob can actually hit the ball sometimes when some one throws it to him!
5.)Emrick in her rain gear. She was telling the rain to 'Stop!'
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