We ate at Perkins, the kids favorite place to eat! Everyone ate their food then we got cookies to take home! I asked Burger to take this picture of me with the kids because I never get to be in pictures...

We saw the Easter Bunny at the mall. Both the kids were really excited and jumped right up there with him! Emrick is wearing her tulle tutu that Bonnie made for her, and she loves it more every single day. We also had Easter with all of our family. Hid and found tons of eggs with candy and money in them. The Easter Bunny surprised the kids by hiding eggs in our own backyard for Easter morning, and lots of candy in Easter baskets. We all really enjoyed Easter!

Emrick got to hold Monica's bird. It was the highlight of her little life!

I tricked the kids on April Fool's Day by making meatloaf that looked like cupcakes and a cake that is supposed to look like meatloaf! Emrick did not find this entertaining, and was a little angry. Jacob thought it was hilarious! Wonder what I will be able to come up with for next year?

And, last night, we went to the hockey game! It was Emrick's first game ever, and she was a little unsure at first. She quickly got used to it. Though she absolutely did not, under any circumstances, want to take off her noise cancelling ear muffs! We cheered for the Hawks and won the game 6-4.
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