Monday, October 15, 2012
Busy but Fun!
Emrick's dance class had a family visit day. So my parents, burger, Jacob, and I got to stay in and watch along with all the other kids' families! Emrick did great and loved it, until the last 10 minutes. When she didn't love it anymore. She came and sat down, refusing to dance. Who can blame her? I mean, what is she a trained monkey or something?! The recital should go fantastic!
After hockey last Sunday, we went to the pumpkin farm! It's the first time Burger's ever been able to go with us, and we had a great time even though it was freezing and windy. Burger felt sick after jumping on the bounce pillow. We went through the haunted corn maze twice. Burger carried Jacob through the kid's haunted house, Emrick refused to go anywhere near it! We posed for pictures with the funny cutouts, petted some farm animals, Jacob and Burger got to shoot the Punkinator! We also went on a hay ride. It was pretty worth the $40 it cost to get in...
After hockey last Sunday, we went to the pumpkin farm! It's the first time Burger's ever been able to go with us, and we had a great time even though it was freezing and windy. Burger felt sick after jumping on the bounce pillow. We went through the haunted corn maze twice. Burger carried Jacob through the kid's haunted house, Emrick refused to go anywhere near it! We posed for pictures with the funny cutouts, petted some farm animals, Jacob and Burger got to shoot the Punkinator! We also went on a hay ride. It was pretty worth the $40 it cost to get in...
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Family Pictures!
I found this photographer advertising on this facebook group that I buy/sell stuff on. Christina Sents, I sent her a facebook message and booked a family photo session. And I love all of them! She did an amazing job even when my kids were less than ideal! There are several more pictures I would love to share. And I might, someday... :) But for now, here's your blog sneak peak!
Jacob's hockey is going fantastic! He loves it, and even after only 2 practices, is showing so much improvement. I think we might be in for the long haul with hockey! I am trying to decide if I want to sign him up for the extra Saturday practice. He says yes...
Jacob's hockey is going fantastic! He loves it, and even after only 2 practices, is showing so much improvement. I think we might be in for the long haul with hockey! I am trying to decide if I want to sign him up for the extra Saturday practice. He says yes...
Monday, October 1, 2012
I accidentally left the Ipad on top of the car when we went to lunch yesterday. It stayed on until we got up to 50 mph on University. When it hit the ground, the case bounced off and landed in the middle of the road, while the Ipad stayed near the curb.It still completely works, its just really really banged up. Probably the dumbest thing I've ever done...
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Dance and Other Things
As I mentioned before, we signed Emrick up for dance classes! She had her first class two weeks ago and absolutely loves it! She loves her tap shoes the most, but she also loves her ballet shoes and her leotards! And she loves the balance beam they have there. She is one happy camper, um dancer...! :)
Most of you know, we signed Jacob up for hockey! Only a few more coupons to sell, so if you want one you need to let me know! :) He starts practice on October 3 and will have practice on Wednesdays and a game every Sunday. If you are interested in viewing a game, give me a call and I can let you know times! He is very excited and loves to wear all his gear. Hopefully he can skate while has all his gear on!
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Things that Happened
Since last time I posted: Jacob turned 6, we went on a weekend vacation to Minnesota, Jacob started 1st grade, we signed Emrick up for ballet/tap dance lessons, Emrick turned 3.5. Wow, right?! So, we'll start with Jacob's birthday. He had a party at Chuck E. Cheese and we all had a great time!
On our vacation we went to the Science Museum in Minnesota and the Mall of America. Jacob gave Burger a bloody nose in the hotel pool, and we had a look around Ikea. We got stuck in a forty-five minute long traffic jam on our way there. Yep, a basic weekend vacation!
Jacob started first grade this year! His teacher is Ms.Biggs. I'm not super happy with the classroom he's in but apparently the school doesn't care what I think. I will be supplementing his education at home, working on spelling lists and math worksheets. He thinks these things are fun, and I love being able to teach him things that public school won't!
Emrick kind of speaks for herself. She will start dance in September and is most excited about her tap shoes because they sound awesome! She also loves the leotards and skirts but we haven't actually bought on just yet. I'm sure I will share lots of dance pictures! We had cake for her half birthday. Her and Jacob both got to blow out candles. She picked white confetti cake with pink frosting and sprinkles.
On our vacation we went to the Science Museum in Minnesota and the Mall of America. Jacob gave Burger a bloody nose in the hotel pool, and we had a look around Ikea. We got stuck in a forty-five minute long traffic jam on our way there. Yep, a basic weekend vacation!
Jacob started first grade this year! His teacher is Ms.Biggs. I'm not super happy with the classroom he's in but apparently the school doesn't care what I think. I will be supplementing his education at home, working on spelling lists and math worksheets. He thinks these things are fun, and I love being able to teach him things that public school won't!
Emrick kind of speaks for herself. She will start dance in September and is most excited about her tap shoes because they sound awesome! She also loves the leotards and skirts but we haven't actually bought on just yet. I'm sure I will share lots of dance pictures! We had cake for her half birthday. Her and Jacob both got to blow out candles. She picked white confetti cake with pink frosting and sprinkles.
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Summer days are going fast...
We had a family reunion with Burger's mom's side of the family. We got there late late late because I had a MOPS planning meeting, so we didn't get to see many people. But we had fun at the park!
I drove to Clarion to visit an old friend and the kids played at the park!
Jacob being his sassy self.
Playing on the swings together. They really are good friends to each other. :)
My friend that we drove to visit. It's always good to see great people from your past!
The kids and water. This is by far their favorite thing to do this summer!
I drove to Clarion to visit an old friend and the kids played at the park!
Jacob being his sassy self.
Playing on the swings together. They really are good friends to each other. :)
My friend that we drove to visit. It's always good to see great people from your past!
The kids and water. This is by far their favorite thing to do this summer!
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
About Jacob
Jacob with his splint and ace bandage. His shirt says 'Obey gravity, it's the law'
Jacob and Daddy all geared up for pin removal surgery!
Right after surgery. They gave him Mountain Dew and chocolate pudding! He hadn't eaten since midnight the night before surgery, and his surgery was at 1:30 in the afternoon. He was starving!
The pins they took out of Jacob's arm. That's a quarter for size reference.
I'm sure you all know that Jacob broke his arm. It was four weeks ago at a MOPS park day, and he fell from the monkey bars. He fell onto his back with his arm behind him. He came to me holding his right arm saying that it really really hurt! I had him sit down for a few minutes so I could observe him when he suddenly lost all of the color in his face. I decided he must have really hurt himself and we left for Urgent Care. They took x-rays there and said that it was most definitely broken. So off we went to the orthopedic surgeon! They told us there that it was right above his elbow and that the bone was broken and angled and would require surgery and pins to heal. Off we went to surgery! My parents and Burger met me there and stayed for moral support. Everything went smoothly and the surgery took about 20 minutes or so. They put 3 pins in and a splint wrapped in an ace bandage, on top of that a sling. We were told to keep it clean and dry! He was such a champion through the whole thing! Today he had another surgery to remove the pins, he was so excited! the removal surgery took all of 5 minutes. His range of motion will take some time. We go back to orthopedics in 2 weeks and then probably will start physical therapy.
Jacob and Daddy all geared up for pin removal surgery!
Right after surgery. They gave him Mountain Dew and chocolate pudding! He hadn't eaten since midnight the night before surgery, and his surgery was at 1:30 in the afternoon. He was starving!
The pins they took out of Jacob's arm. That's a quarter for size reference.
I'm sure you all know that Jacob broke his arm. It was four weeks ago at a MOPS park day, and he fell from the monkey bars. He fell onto his back with his arm behind him. He came to me holding his right arm saying that it really really hurt! I had him sit down for a few minutes so I could observe him when he suddenly lost all of the color in his face. I decided he must have really hurt himself and we left for Urgent Care. They took x-rays there and said that it was most definitely broken. So off we went to the orthopedic surgeon! They told us there that it was right above his elbow and that the bone was broken and angled and would require surgery and pins to heal. Off we went to surgery! My parents and Burger met me there and stayed for moral support. Everything went smoothly and the surgery took about 20 minutes or so. They put 3 pins in and a splint wrapped in an ace bandage, on top of that a sling. We were told to keep it clean and dry! He was such a champion through the whole thing! Today he had another surgery to remove the pins, he was so excited! the removal surgery took all of 5 minutes. His range of motion will take some time. We go back to orthopedics in 2 weeks and then probably will start physical therapy.
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Saturday, June 9, 2012
I have been a busy lady, but nothing too exciting, don't panic! I cleaned out the basement room and converted it into a toy room/office. It is working out very well! The kids like being down there and having room to play with their toys. Soon I will be tackling the other side of the basement and doing a major declutter. Someone pointed me in the direction of a group on facebook where I can post things I want to sell and sell them to other people in the cedar valley. I have sold several things, it's working out great with my basement cleaning!
We are looking at new sofas. We are thinking we will go with a nice sectional this time around. We were talking about and thinking about it, as in, some time in the future. But then Emrick keeps peeing on our couch and now I can't get the smell out! I can't get the pee smell out of my leather couch. Super awesome. So, if you have any ideas for getting the smell out of the couch I already own, or have seen a lovely sectional for sale somewhere, you know who to call! :)
Other than Emrick peeing herself all of the freaking time, the kids are doing fantastic! We are enjoying summer and have been relaxing and playing. I made play dough for the kids the other day, which they loved. We had the furnace guy come earlier this week to fix the wire on the ac that Peter chewed through. The kids loved the furnace guy and followed him all around while he was working and chatted with him the entire time! The guy didn't seem to mind too much, so I just let it happen.
My goal is to update this lovely blog more often! Apparently between the last time I posted and today, they have changed some formatting. So, you will have to excuse me if things don't seem right for a while. I'm not too smart with these things and when they change it, I get confused!
We are looking at new sofas. We are thinking we will go with a nice sectional this time around. We were talking about and thinking about it, as in, some time in the future. But then Emrick keeps peeing on our couch and now I can't get the smell out! I can't get the pee smell out of my leather couch. Super awesome. So, if you have any ideas for getting the smell out of the couch I already own, or have seen a lovely sectional for sale somewhere, you know who to call! :)
Other than Emrick peeing herself all of the freaking time, the kids are doing fantastic! We are enjoying summer and have been relaxing and playing. I made play dough for the kids the other day, which they loved. We had the furnace guy come earlier this week to fix the wire on the ac that Peter chewed through. The kids loved the furnace guy and followed him all around while he was working and chatted with him the entire time! The guy didn't seem to mind too much, so I just let it happen.
My goal is to update this lovely blog more often! Apparently between the last time I posted and today, they have changed some formatting. So, you will have to excuse me if things don't seem right for a while. I'm not too smart with these things and when they change it, I get confused!
Thursday, May 31, 2012
What We've Been Up To:
We went to the zoo in Des Moines and had a great time! Emrick's favorite was the pink flamingo and Jacob's was the tiger!
Jacob ended the year in public school. He won an award in reading and math. He is excited to go to first grade next year!
We went swimming at Grandpa Oldenburger's over Memorial Day weekend. Jacob and Emrick had a great time playing with cousins and running around.
We went fishing with Grandpa Oldenburger. Emrick LOVED the fish and the worms.
I caught my first fish!
Burger grilled. The patty looking things on the end are grilled cheese sandwiches. They were delicious and perfect.
Jacob ended the year in public school. He won an award in reading and math. He is excited to go to first grade next year!
We went swimming at Grandpa Oldenburger's over Memorial Day weekend. Jacob and Emrick had a great time playing with cousins and running around.
We went fishing with Grandpa Oldenburger. Emrick LOVED the fish and the worms.
I caught my first fish!
Burger grilled. The patty looking things on the end are grilled cheese sandwiches. They were delicious and perfect.
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Catch Up!

We ate at Perkins, the kids favorite place to eat! Everyone ate their food then we got cookies to take home! I asked Burger to take this picture of me with the kids because I never get to be in pictures...

We saw the Easter Bunny at the mall. Both the kids were really excited and jumped right up there with him! Emrick is wearing her tulle tutu that Bonnie made for her, and she loves it more every single day. We also had Easter with all of our family. Hid and found tons of eggs with candy and money in them. The Easter Bunny surprised the kids by hiding eggs in our own backyard for Easter morning, and lots of candy in Easter baskets. We all really enjoyed Easter!

Emrick got to hold Monica's bird. It was the highlight of her little life!

I tricked the kids on April Fool's Day by making meatloaf that looked like cupcakes and a cake that is supposed to look like meatloaf! Emrick did not find this entertaining, and was a little angry. Jacob thought it was hilarious! Wonder what I will be able to come up with for next year?

And, last night, we went to the hockey game! It was Emrick's first game ever, and she was a little unsure at first. She quickly got used to it. Though she absolutely did not, under any circumstances, want to take off her noise cancelling ear muffs! We cheered for the Hawks and won the game 6-4.
Sunday, March 25, 2012
All Good
We had such a fantastic weekend! On Saturday the kids spent the day at my parent's house while Burger and I had lunch at HuHot and then saw The Hunger Games. We shopped at Lowes for some garage organization.
Emrick got a gift car from Aunt Pam for her birthday. We decided to use her gift card to pay for part of a new bike! We got the bike while the kids were at my parent's and surprised her with it Sunday morning. She loved it! I took her to the store last week to see which one she liked and fit on. The one she picked came with a little purse that attaches to the front of the handle bars and holds a little stuffed kitten. She hopped right on when we showed it to her, and pedaled away!
Sunday, we spent the day outside! Burger was organizing the garage, hanging his pegboard and putting shelves together. Then he built our little garden area, and we planted our broccoli! Not sure if it will grow or not since Peter has already been digging around in there. Keep your fingers crossed then come visit in July to have some home grown broccoli! :)
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Lets Go Fly A Kite!
Me and Emrick flying her princess kite!
Jacob, with Burger in the background.
Emrick was a quick pro!
Burger helping the kids get set up! We flew our kites last Sunday and the weather was lovely. Both of the kids caught on immediately and were able to fly their kites solo! When we were done flying our kites, we went to the park!
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Catching Up
We celebrated Jacob's half birthday on the fifth, he got to play at his Great Aunt Lisa's house with his best friend while Burger and I went to a Super Bowl party. Fun was had by all. :)
On Saturday night, Emrick woke up at about 1 in the morning and could barely breath. I quickly took her to the emergency room. She was diagnosed with croup, given a steroid shot and breathing treatment. She was breathing normal again in less than five minutes. They took x-rays of her throat to make sure everything was ok and sent us home. We were at the hospital for about 2.5 hours. She has been perfectly fine and healthy since.
On Friday night, Burger came home from work with an ipad. He got it as a surprise for me, and boy was I surprised! Then on Tuesday, Valentine's Day, he surprised me with chocolates and a candy bouquet! I really am such a lucky girl.
We are planning Emrick's third birthday party. She is having it at Chuck E.Cheese on her birthday and is super excited! Every day she wakes up asking if it's her birthday yet. Silly girl! It is a Diego themed birthday and she is specifically asking for balloons.
On Saturday night, Emrick woke up at about 1 in the morning and could barely breath. I quickly took her to the emergency room. She was diagnosed with croup, given a steroid shot and breathing treatment. She was breathing normal again in less than five minutes. They took x-rays of her throat to make sure everything was ok and sent us home. We were at the hospital for about 2.5 hours. She has been perfectly fine and healthy since.
On Friday night, Burger came home from work with an ipad. He got it as a surprise for me, and boy was I surprised! Then on Tuesday, Valentine's Day, he surprised me with chocolates and a candy bouquet! I really am such a lucky girl.
We are planning Emrick's third birthday party. She is having it at Chuck E.Cheese on her birthday and is super excited! Every day she wakes up asking if it's her birthday yet. Silly girl! It is a Diego themed birthday and she is specifically asking for balloons.
Friday, February 3, 2012
Ground Hogs Day!

I made these yummy treats for my Mops Steering team meeting on Ground hogs Day! The cupcakes are Nilla Wafers and gel frosting for the faces. The other is a cinnamon muffin with a cut out ground hog on a Popsicle stick. I didn't actually get to go to the meeting because a chunk of my tooth chipped off Tuesday night and I had a dentist appointment at the time of the meeting. I was really disappointed. But, life goes on! So I went to the dentist yesterday for the chipped tooth and they are going to fix it on the 13th, probably with a root canal. So, keep painless dental visits in your thoughts for me, please!
Friday, January 27, 2012
We don't forget
With all this posting about Jacob and his new school, you may think that I have forgotten about dear, sweet Emrick. I promise, I have done no such thing. Trust me, she wouldn't allow it! But, before I get started on what Emrick's been up to lately, I want to tell you about Jacob's award assembly at school this morning. They had math awards, reading awards, leadership awards, and one award each for music, library, and gym. Jacob didn't get any of the academic awards because he's new and they haven't had a chance to see him show off his amazing academic skills just yet. But, Ms. Hess did make a point to tell the audience that he was new and that's the reason he wasn't getting any academic awards. I thought that was nice. He got a leadership award and is very pleased with himself. I forgot my camera, but took a few snaps with my phone. I have misplaced the cord to hook my phone to my computer but when I find it, I will try to post a picture of him at his award assembly.
Now, what has Emrick been up to? Well, yesterday morning she climbed up and got my camera and removed the batteries. Then placed the batteries in the microwave. For 7 seconds, then Jacob noticed and shut the microwave off. Thank goodness! They didn't have time to explode or melt or anything, we threw them away and bought new ones. Yesterday she also emptied out the art bins completely. Papers, pens, crayons, etc... The scissors, glue, and markers are put up high where she shouldn't be able to reach them. But about a week or so ago she got the glue and glued several pieces of black construction paper to the wall in the dining room. When I came up from the laundry the glue was still wet so we just took the papers down and scrubbed the glue off the wall! We have been teaching Jacob his coins, the names and how much they're worth. So we have had their piggy banks out a lot. Emrick decided she didn't want money in hers so she dumped it all out (like, nearly $20 worth of coins) and spread them all around the house. So she could fill her piggy bank up with dominoes. I suspect we will be finding change in random places for a long while. But, I am happy to report, she still has her pleasant demeanor about her. Emrick really is such a lovely person to be around. I'm not even exaggerating or saying this with sarcasm. She does some really naughty things sometimes but she is an amazingly calm person to hang out with.
Now, what has Emrick been up to? Well, yesterday morning she climbed up and got my camera and removed the batteries. Then placed the batteries in the microwave. For 7 seconds, then Jacob noticed and shut the microwave off. Thank goodness! They didn't have time to explode or melt or anything, we threw them away and bought new ones. Yesterday she also emptied out the art bins completely. Papers, pens, crayons, etc... The scissors, glue, and markers are put up high where she shouldn't be able to reach them. But about a week or so ago she got the glue and glued several pieces of black construction paper to the wall in the dining room. When I came up from the laundry the glue was still wet so we just took the papers down and scrubbed the glue off the wall! We have been teaching Jacob his coins, the names and how much they're worth. So we have had their piggy banks out a lot. Emrick decided she didn't want money in hers so she dumped it all out (like, nearly $20 worth of coins) and spread them all around the house. So she could fill her piggy bank up with dominoes. I suspect we will be finding change in random places for a long while. But, I am happy to report, she still has her pleasant demeanor about her. Emrick really is such a lovely person to be around. I'm not even exaggerating or saying this with sarcasm. She does some really naughty things sometimes but she is an amazingly calm person to hang out with.
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
School days!
I picked Jacob up at school yesterday and he wasn't wearing his hat. I asked him where was his hat at and he told me that he had accidentally left it on the bus. Bus?! Well, he doesn't ride a bus, so naturally I had a few questions. He told me without hesitation that they had taken a bus on a field trip to the children's art museum! I was immediately annoyed that I had not been informed of any such trip from the school but thought that maybe since it was only his second day, I had missed the note home. As the night went on, he was telling me more and more about their field trip. How the teachers brought cereal bars for all the kids and how they made pictures in the art room and the ladies at the museum were going to hang all the student's pictures on the wall! It was a really fun day! When I dropped him off at school this morning I questioned his teacher about the trip to the museum. She stared at me blankly, telling me that they always ALWAYS send home permission slips. And that no such trip had taken place. Not even kind of. Jacob had accidentally left his hat in his locker, the imaginary bus.
Monday, January 23, 2012
Christmas came and went. New Year's came and went. Now we're coming into February. Emrick's birthday! I had a really rough summer/fall/winter. Burger and I somehow got detoured to Hell. We've found a few maps and are making our way home, but it's not always as easy as it sounds. The good news is that I can easily think of a million plus one things that could have been worse.
Jacob went to his first day in public school kindergarten today. It wasn't what I wanted, it wasn't even close to what I planned. But that's just how life works. He was happy to buy a new Clone Wars lunch bag and water bottle, so I am happy, too. His teacher's name is Ms. Hess, and when she showed him the book shelf full of books and told him to pick four to put in his own bin to read while waiting for all the kids to get to the classroom in the morning, he completely forgot who I was. He was nervous but excited. So I am excited for him. And when I pick him from school every day I will hug him and kiss him and always remember that he used to be completely mine and Burger's. But, just as we teach our kids, we always have to share our good stuff.
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