Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Friday, December 17, 2010
Santa came to Jacob's Preschool!
Thursday, December 16, 2010
A post? But you just posted a video yesterday, Mandi. What's going on? Well, I really just want to tell you all about Jacob's schooling. Quick like. I am so amazed by the things they are teaching him in preschool. PRESCHOOL! I didn't learn the stuff they are teaching him until first grade. Since beginning school in August Jacob has learned:
-How to write his name
-Simple math problems like 4+3=
He learned how to write them, read them, and solve them!
-The other day he was in his room and he wrote me a note that said, "No mom I love you."
-He knows about the cover and the title page on books and knows what the author and illustrator do.
-He knows what a period in a sentence is and what it means. Also exclamation points!
-He is a pro at making patterns!
I'm sure there is a lot more, but those are the things that come to mind right now. He says/does something everyday that amazes me! He is getting really good at writing his letters and numbers but has to concentrate, which is hard for him sometimes. He wrote "Love Jacob' on the Christmas cards for his teachers and did marvelous! I am really loving that he is learning this stuff so quickly, and he really seems to like learning it! Makes my heart so happy!
-How to write his name
-Simple math problems like 4+3=
He learned how to write them, read them, and solve them!
-The other day he was in his room and he wrote me a note that said, "No mom I love you."
-He knows about the cover and the title page on books and knows what the author and illustrator do.
-He knows what a period in a sentence is and what it means. Also exclamation points!
-He is a pro at making patterns!
I'm sure there is a lot more, but those are the things that come to mind right now. He says/does something everyday that amazes me! He is getting really good at writing his letters and numbers but has to concentrate, which is hard for him sometimes. He wrote "Love Jacob' on the Christmas cards for his teachers and did marvelous! I am really loving that he is learning this stuff so quickly, and he really seems to like learning it! Makes my heart so happy!
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Snow Day!
have some really fun pictures of the kids playing in the snow, but blogger won't let me load them. So, you're loss. Sorry, but I can look at them any time I want seeing as they're on my computer and all... Otherwise you could go to facebook and look at them there. Jacob LOVED the snow. Emrick tolerated it. She was definitely ready to go inside when it was time.
The 'i' button is still really hard to strike on my keyboard. I have no idea why. And I also never noticed how often you have to use that letter. Burger says he has no problems with it. So, he thinks I'm making the whole thing up. Now, why on Earth would I make that up?!?
The 'i' button is still really hard to strike on my keyboard. I have no idea why. And I also never noticed how often you have to use that letter. Burger says he has no problems with it. So, he thinks I'm making the whole thing up. Now, why on Earth would I make that up?!?
Friday, December 10, 2010
We all have really nasty colds here at the Oldenburger house. Yuck. The kids seem to be feeling a little better but Burger is right in the middle of his and I just started to get my cold today. Hooray!
We made the kids beds into actual bunk beds a week or so ago. You know, the way the beds were meant to be from the package... I was nervous about Jacob falling out of the top bunk, but he hasn't yet. It's worked out really well so far, and now all the kids toys can fit into their room!
The last picture posted here cracks me up big time! They were playing Ants in Your Pants and having a great time. Burger's face just kills me.
Jacob has a Christmas concert on Tuesday the 14th at 6PM, in case anyone is interested. He has been practicing all his songs and loves it! He was Student of the Week this last week and had an awesome time sharing himself with his preschool class. He got an award from the principal and a little frog beanie baby that he loves, because it's green. And that's his favorite color! How did they know?!?
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Thanksgiving 2010
We had a great Thanksgiving! I didn't take one single picture, which is a big time bummer. The night before Thanksgiving we saw Elmo Live in Dubuque and had a great time! Both the kids were mesmerized and very well behaved. I did take some pictures of Elmo Live but they are on my mom's camera, so I don't actually have them right here right now to show you...
On Thanksgiving Day we went to Burger's Dad's house and celebrated. Good food, good company... That's kind of what this holiday is about, right? Then I stood out in line with my bff Megan at Toys'r'Us for 3.5 hours to get some good deals. Then rushed around town all night to all the different stores until I finally was done and went home at 9 AM. Exhausting but really fun! Saturday night my family came over to our house and ate dinner and visited for a while. My mom cooked and I cleaned up he house to get ready for company. Today we are just relaxing around the house. Burger worked Saturday and Sunday on first shift. Monday he goes back to second shift, which actually sounds kind of nice right now.
On Thanksgiving Day we went to Burger's Dad's house and celebrated. Good food, good company... That's kind of what this holiday is about, right? Then I stood out in line with my bff Megan at Toys'r'Us for 3.5 hours to get some good deals. Then rushed around town all night to all the different stores until I finally was done and went home at 9 AM. Exhausting but really fun! Saturday night my family came over to our house and ate dinner and visited for a while. My mom cooked and I cleaned up he house to get ready for company. Today we are just relaxing around the house. Burger worked Saturday and Sunday on first shift. Monday he goes back to second shift, which actually sounds kind of nice right now.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Fun with Dogs
This is what we do in our spare time. Our dogs are very relaxing little creatures. So happy we have them!
Getting ready for Thanksgiving. I ordered a french silk pie from Perkins to take to Burger's Dad's. Yum! Burger is planning on making a pumpkin pie. We are also going to make chocolate covered pretzels and Ritz crackers with peanut butter. I love holiday food!
Tomorrow we are going to see Elmo in Dubuque. I wish it was Dora instead, but I don't get to choose these things. And the kids really love Elmo, too. We took Jacob to Elmo when he had just turned two and he loved it! I was hoping to see something different, but Emrick will love it just as much as Jacob did when he was her age!
Monday, November 15, 2010
Painting, and things...
Today, Burger is sick with a stomach bug. Poor guy, the day before his birthday. I worked on cleaning the house, then Emrick went and undid everything I had done. I bought some water paints and Cars pictures from the Dollar Tree and painted with the kids. Tomorrow Peter goes to the vet, and hopefully Burger feels better. And hopefully I don't catch it...
Saturday, November 13, 2010
The second picture is of Jacob, ready for pajama day at school last week. The rest of the pictures are from Thursday night when I decided to jump the gun and put the Christmas tree up. It all started out so innocently. I was talking to Megan about Christmas and trees and what not then when I went to Target, they had Christmas tree decorations in the dollar bins. So I bought them. And Jacob was really excited and wanted to do it RIGHT NOW. Burger was insanely irritated. Because he's the least fun person ever. And when Jacob called Grandma and was excited to tell her, she didn't believe him. Because I don't decorate, and I generally dislike Christmas. But there it is, however many weeks early. A fully decorated, lit up Christmas tree in my living room.
In other news, Burger goes back to second shift next week for an unknown amount of time. Both the kids were sick last week. At the same time. Peter is doing really well but still pees in the house occasionally. He goes to the vet on Tuesday (Burger's 26th Birthday!) to get shots and be neutered. I am planning on ordering the Harry Potter boxed set for myself from Jacob's book order. I have never read any of the books or seen any of the movies, but think I might like them. I have been doing some Christmas shopping, hoping to stay ahead of the game this year. I have added three extra little girls onto my list this year, super fun!
Monday, November 1, 2010
Halloween, kind of...
Emrick was a butterfly princess thing and Jacob wore the skeleton costume to school but a pirate costume to trick or treating.
1.) In the first picture, Emrick is eating toast.
2.) She got her black eye in her bed, randomly. I could hear her rustling around in the middle of the night and decided she was fine. Then she started crying hysterically. I rushed in to rescue her but she already had that nasty black eye. She's had it for well over a week.
3.) The 'i' button is really hard to push on my keyboard. I have to really strike it to get the letter to show.
4.) Tomorrow is pajama day at Jacob's school. We are going to the store because he usually sleeps in a t-shirt and ratty old sweat pants. I think it's time for a nice pair of cute boy jammies!
5.) Burger is home from work today. Something about their badges not working. It's nice to have him here!
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Monday, October 25, 2010
And then...
Burger came home from work and banned the name Pizza. The kids and I were sad but quickly got used to Peter. Which is the name I had picked originally... But my parents and my brothers are devastated. OK, so maybe not devastated but pretty close. Maybe.
We took Peter with us to Burger's dad's to celebrate the fall festival with us. He was really great and ran around with all the kids and charmed all the adults. And he went on two hayrides with us! It was really nice to have him outside and not worry about him peeing on my rug. My one single rug in the entire house. The rest of the house is wood floors and not really that big a deal if he pees on them. But he likes the rug. Or the pile of dirty laundry in the hall. And now I'm wondering why I thought it was be a really fun idea to get myself a puppy for my birthday.
We took Peter with us to Burger's dad's to celebrate the fall festival with us. He was really great and ran around with all the kids and charmed all the adults. And he went on two hayrides with us! It was really nice to have him outside and not worry about him peeing on my rug. My one single rug in the entire house. The rest of the house is wood floors and not really that big a deal if he pees on them. But he likes the rug. Or the pile of dirty laundry in the hall. And now I'm wondering why I thought it was be a really fun idea to get myself a puppy for my birthday.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Welcoming Pizza to the Family!
I have been thinking of getting a second dog for a while now. Burger wasn't totally on the bandwagon but not totally against it. So I have been reading the swap sheep and craigslist to see what was out there. Today when I checked the swap sheet, there was lab/corgi mixed puppies for free. I had to go check that out! I have never in life seen a corgi mixed with a lab! Well, now I own one... I wanted to name him Peter but Jacob didn't like it. I asked him what he would like to name the puppy and he said Pizza. Emrick yelled out 'Peeeeeeeeeezaaaaa' making the funniest face, so the name stuck.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Saturday, October 9, 2010
The kids found a caterpillar and I rushed to get my camera so I could take this picture. They sat and watched the caterpillar do absolutely nothing for a good 3-5 minutes. It was really fun!
We haven't been doing a whole lot of anything lately. Burger is working a lot and I'm just trying to keep up with the kids, laundry, and dishes. Jacob still loves school. I joined the school's PTO. I have no idea what PTO stands for but they have meetings once a month and vote on things. Actually, we vote on everything. I figured it was a good way to have my say in the happenings at the school and be more involved.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Saturday, October 2, 2010
New Phones!
Burger and I got new phones on Thursday, which also happened to be our 4th anniversary! I picked out the phones and got us each the same one. It was a touch screen and I used it for just a few hours before realizing that there was no way I could use that phone for two whole years. So on Friday I took mine back and picked a different one. Now I have a full keyboard for texting and that makes my life a bit easier!
Jacob has been busy busy in school and yesterday he was practicing writing his numbers. He likes practicing his numbers! Last Tuesday we went to Chuck E. Cheese for Jacob's school fundraiser and had a lot of fun. Jacob played with some friends from school there and we all love Chuck E. Cheese!
I can't believe it's October already! I love the month of October. My birthday and Halloween. Sweatshirt weather! I bought Emrick some new sweatpants today and that was fun. Jacob took a pumpkin to school and we put some out on the porch, too. The trees are all changing colors and everything looks beautiful. We have been trying to enjoy the weather change and are still getting used to Jacob being in school.
Jacob has been busy busy in school and yesterday he was practicing writing his numbers. He likes practicing his numbers! Last Tuesday we went to Chuck E. Cheese for Jacob's school fundraiser and had a lot of fun. Jacob played with some friends from school there and we all love Chuck E. Cheese!
I can't believe it's October already! I love the month of October. My birthday and Halloween. Sweatshirt weather! I bought Emrick some new sweatpants today and that was fun. Jacob took a pumpkin to school and we put some out on the porch, too. The trees are all changing colors and everything looks beautiful. We have been trying to enjoy the weather change and are still getting used to Jacob being in school.
Monday, September 27, 2010
I have been washing laundry all day and the last load is in the washing machine right now! Then I am all caught up. Woo hoo!! Burger went back to first shift today. I am kind of lonely but filled my time with dirty laundry. I also baked lemon bars and shopped at Wal-Mart. My mom came over to walk and pick up Jacob with me. Emrick fell asleep, so my mom ended up walking to get him by herself. Then she took him home with her. Emrick is napping, so I am surfing the web and watching Dr.Phil. Teens gone wrong...
Yesterday I had some friends from high school come visit. It was really fun! We had lunch then took the kids to the park. Jacob got along with her two girls and they were all best friends! It was really fun to watch. I'm hoping we can visit each other more often!
Yesterday I had some friends from high school come visit. It was really fun! We had lunch then took the kids to the park. Jacob got along with her two girls and they were all best friends! It was really fun to watch. I'm hoping we can visit each other more often!
Friday, September 24, 2010
Uh Huh...
We have been busy. I don't know what we have been doing, but we have been really busy. We had the home visit with Jacob's teachers and we went shopping for fall clothes for Jacob. We had our nephew's birthday. Burger had a flat tire. Now the kids need shoes. I bought Emrick a pair of sparkly sparkly princess shoes but they don't stay on very well. As far as I know, Jacob is allowed to wear Crocs to school, and those are his favorite shoes so I might just buy him a new pair of Crocs. Easy peasy. Emrick is more of a problem when it comes to shoes. She's picky.
We had a fun day at Jacob's school and he got to show us around the classroom and all his favorite things to play with. And all the art projects they have made! Today he had picture day and he went in there and did it like a pro! We practiced yesterday and this morning before school. Emrick also practiced her picture smile. Tomorrow is some sort of safety fair in Cedar Falls and also Cedar Falls Utilities energy fair. But the weather is supposed to be kind of crappy so I don't know if we will be able to go to any of those.
I joined a MOPS group at Nazareth church yesterday. It was really fun and I'm excited to really join in. Emrick went into the child care and she loved it! She played and when I went to pick her up she was helping to pick up the toys! Such a good girl. They have meeting twice a month and I think I will definitely be going back!
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Uh Huh
Those pictures I posted yesterday are my and Burger's bedroom. After we cleaned. I just wanted to clarify because after I was looking at the pictures again I was thinking that maybe some people wouldn't know those pictures were to show all the hard work we did cleaning and rearranging and folding and stacking. So, that's our room. Clean. If you come back in a week or so it will not look nearly as nice.
Whatever happened to that show Raising Sextuplets on WeTV? I liked it! It was mildly entertaining with lots of babies to look at while laughing at the parents. The last episode I watched, they had moved from Arizona to Florida. Away from all their families. I really wanted to see how that worked out.
Jacob decided that he wants to take his own lunch to school tomorrow. He's been asking me since the second day of school if he could take his own lunch because one of his friends at school bring his lunch every day. So we packed his lunch in his Toy Story lunch box and he's kind of excited about it!
On Thursday Jacob's teachers from school will come visit us at our home. They visit each kid at home once a month. That sounds like a lot of work for them! There are 10 boys and 9 girls in Jacob's class. They count children every day at calendar time and every day a different student has the job of counting children. Jacob is patiently waiting for it to be his turn to count children.
This weekend is Cattle Congress and I think we are planning to take the kids on Saturday. Jacob likes to ride the rides and play the games. Emrick doesn't mind sitting in her stroller and just watching. Sunday is our nephew's birthday party. We ordered his gift online and are hoping it's delivered on time!
Since I don't work at the YMCA anymore, Emrick and I have been busy running errands and wasting time until Jacob gets out of school. I have been trying to really clean the house but can't seen to get much done. It's getting kind of frustrating for me! I want to start taking Emrick to story hour at the library but I'm not sure about the times yet. That's another thing on my 'to do' list.
Whatever happened to that show Raising Sextuplets on WeTV? I liked it! It was mildly entertaining with lots of babies to look at while laughing at the parents. The last episode I watched, they had moved from Arizona to Florida. Away from all their families. I really wanted to see how that worked out.
Jacob decided that he wants to take his own lunch to school tomorrow. He's been asking me since the second day of school if he could take his own lunch because one of his friends at school bring his lunch every day. So we packed his lunch in his Toy Story lunch box and he's kind of excited about it!
On Thursday Jacob's teachers from school will come visit us at our home. They visit each kid at home once a month. That sounds like a lot of work for them! There are 10 boys and 9 girls in Jacob's class. They count children every day at calendar time and every day a different student has the job of counting children. Jacob is patiently waiting for it to be his turn to count children.
This weekend is Cattle Congress and I think we are planning to take the kids on Saturday. Jacob likes to ride the rides and play the games. Emrick doesn't mind sitting in her stroller and just watching. Sunday is our nephew's birthday party. We ordered his gift online and are hoping it's delivered on time!
Since I don't work at the YMCA anymore, Emrick and I have been busy running errands and wasting time until Jacob gets out of school. I have been trying to really clean the house but can't seen to get much done. It's getting kind of frustrating for me! I want to start taking Emrick to story hour at the library but I'm not sure about the times yet. That's another thing on my 'to do' list.
Monday, September 13, 2010
We are cleaning. We have been planning on cleaning and then just never got around to it. But yesterday I decided that I needed to go through my and Burger's clothes and when I dumped them all out I decided that what I really needed to do is rearrange the bedroom and go through ALL the stuff in there. See, we only have two bedrooms in this house so the kids sleep in the same room and all the clothes that belong to this house are in the bedroom that Burger and I share. All the toys are in the dining room and basement. But to make life easier, there are also no closets in this house. So I have three dressers and then five totes of clothes in my room. And two totes for extra sheets and blankets because there's no linen closet. Oh, the joys of living in a house built in 1933... Anyhow, it actually really works for us. But my room can get a bit cluttered at times. And since we haven't done anything in there since we moved here in 2008 I decided that it was time. We pulled everything out and it was kind of a big deal. I wanted to pull the carpet out, too but Burger wouldn't let me! Today I bought some shelves for the wall in the living room and a shelf thing to use as a side table. I love Target! The plan is to move to the basement and completely clean it out. We will be donating a ton of things to Salvation Army or shelters. I am really excited at the idea of a clean house. Clean where visitors see it, but also really clean everywhere else. And as clutter free and I can get it!
Monday, September 6, 2010
Labor Day
We had a picnic at the park and then played for a while. It was really windy so we didn't stay too long. Mostly we stayed home and relaxed today. Burger worked in the basement. He is trying to make the room down there a bit more 'user friendly.' We went grocery shopping and when we came home the kids went right to bed.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Jacob is still loving school. His teacher told him yesterday that she has guinea pigs at her house to bring to school once the weather cools down a little. It gets too hot in the room at night and the guinea pigs can't handle that. He is really excited about the guinea pigs and asked her first thing this morning if they were there yet. Haha.
I am really super grumpy today. My head has been hurting for days and I can't figure out why. I put in my two week notice at work on Tuesday, so my last day will be September 14. I'm a little sad about it, but ready.
We are getting ready to run to Wal-Mart. I bought Jacob some Silly Band things at Children's Place the other day and I LOVE THEM. He likes them, and enjoys wearing them to school. He made a friend because she wears them, too. One kid took one of Jacob's and put it around his head so Jacob did it when he got home and it got stuck. I had to help him get it off then he got in big trouble because I was thinking 'what if that got around his neck?' Kind of scary. Anyhow, the point is, we're going to Wal-Mart to buy some more bracelets. And dish soap. And maybe a Zsu Zsu dog because I think those are really cute, too and Emrick loves them, but not as much as I do. Sigh.
Emrick is the messiest kid ever born, probably. And goes through at least 3 outfits every day. Because she gets that messy. True story. This has nothing to do with anything right now besides we just had macaroni for dinner and she's a mess so I have to clean her up and change her before we go to Wal-Mart. I will also have to fight her to get shoes on, and then to keep them on through the store. Wal-Mart is kind of a lot of work.
I am really super grumpy today. My head has been hurting for days and I can't figure out why. I put in my two week notice at work on Tuesday, so my last day will be September 14. I'm a little sad about it, but ready.
We are getting ready to run to Wal-Mart. I bought Jacob some Silly Band things at Children's Place the other day and I LOVE THEM. He likes them, and enjoys wearing them to school. He made a friend because she wears them, too. One kid took one of Jacob's and put it around his head so Jacob did it when he got home and it got stuck. I had to help him get it off then he got in big trouble because I was thinking 'what if that got around his neck?' Kind of scary. Anyhow, the point is, we're going to Wal-Mart to buy some more bracelets. And dish soap. And maybe a Zsu Zsu dog because I think those are really cute, too and Emrick loves them, but not as much as I do. Sigh.
Emrick is the messiest kid ever born, probably. And goes through at least 3 outfits every day. Because she gets that messy. True story. This has nothing to do with anything right now besides we just had macaroni for dinner and she's a mess so I have to clean her up and change her before we go to Wal-Mart. I will also have to fight her to get shoes on, and then to keep them on through the store. Wal-Mart is kind of a lot of work.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
New and Improved!
And after. These wire shelves were on sale at Target for $14.99 and the bins were on sale for $7.99. Why are bins so expensive? It wouldn't surprise me if these bins were trashed in a month or so and I have to buy new ones. They are pretty sturdy but toys are rough, as are my kids. Anyhow, I am very excited about the change! Next on my list, a new rug for the living room.
Eighteen Months!
That's right. Jacob's first day of school was also Emrick's half birthday! So, my baby girl is officially one and a half years old. One point five. I can't believe how fast the time has gone. She is ornery as ever and cries way more than I remember Jacob crying at this age and has an attitude the size of Texas. Of course I wouldn't change anything about her, but she is an armful sometimes! She refuses to keep shoes on her feet. Answers yes and no questions appropriately. Loves to eat fruit of any kind. But her favorite thing in the whole world is playing with Jacob and Daddy. And now that Jacob is in school she gets a little bored! As I'm typing, They are all chasing each other around our teeny little house screeching with joy and even though the noise is giving me a headache, it's seriously the sweetest thing I've ever seen in my entire life.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
First Day!
Jacob's first day of school. Ever! He walked right into the classroom and was ready to go. I think I was the first mom to leave the classroom! I didn't want to linger and make him nervous... When we picked him up the teacher said he was a bit mouthy and sat in a time out but other than that he had a really good day. Walking home, he asked us when he was going to stop going to school...
Monday, August 23, 2010
Fun Weekend...
Now down to business. This morning we met Jacob's teacher. He got to make a hand print with paint and get his picture taken while Burger and I filled out papers and filled the teacher in about his strange skin/milk/cat issues. Super fun! Wednesday Burger and I will go to orientation, for what I'm not sure since we filled out (hopefully) all the papers today. Then Thursday Jacob goes to his first day. A half day, and Friday is a half day also. Then next Monday starts 8:33AM-1PM full days, every day. Wow. That is going to be such a big change for every one in this house!
The weekend was really fun. Jacob and Burger went fishing with Burger's dad and then we all stay out on their farm and camped out in the tent. Well, the kids and Burger and Dave camped out in the tent. I made it half the night then ended up on the couch in their living room! Thanks Dave and Sue for letting us stay the night and camp/sleep on your couch! Jacob and Emrick had a great time. In fact, later Sunday afternoon Emrick cried for almost an hour until we took her back outside. She was not done being outside for the day. She's going to be begging us to let her hang out on the farm all the time just as soon as she figures out how to form real words!
We also went to a birthday party on Sunday. More fun and food and awesome cake! I love cake. I mean, I REALLY love cake. So any kind of celebration with cake is my favorite! In fact, after the party I wasn't quite over the cake, so I made my own at home. Not nearly as good as what we had at the party. But still, cake is cake!
The weekend was really fun. Jacob and Burger went fishing with Burger's dad and then we all stay out on their farm and camped out in the tent. Well, the kids and Burger and Dave camped out in the tent. I made it half the night then ended up on the couch in their living room! Thanks Dave and Sue for letting us stay the night and camp/sleep on your couch! Jacob and Emrick had a great time. In fact, later Sunday afternoon Emrick cried for almost an hour until we took her back outside. She was not done being outside for the day. She's going to be begging us to let her hang out on the farm all the time just as soon as she figures out how to form real words!
We also went to a birthday party on Sunday. More fun and food and awesome cake! I love cake. I mean, I REALLY love cake. So any kind of celebration with cake is my favorite! In fact, after the party I wasn't quite over the cake, so I made my own at home. Not nearly as good as what we had at the party. But still, cake is cake!
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Before the Fair
On the way to the state fair, we stopped for some lunch and in the parking lot the kids found a dead butterfly. They thought it was amazing. I thought it made for some cute pictures!
Burger woke up this morning with a yucky cold. Gross, hope I don't catch it! Jacob's teacher called this morning and we will be meeting her on Monday. On Wednesday Burger and I are going to orientation, where kids aren't invited. The plan is to have my mom watch the kids so we can both go and meet the teachers and hear the 'rules' of bringing him to school. Then he starts on Thursday with a half day. I am way more nervous than Jacob is. In fact, nervous isn't even in his head. He's only excited! Which makes me happy, and a little less nervous!
On Saturday we are planning to go to Burger's dad's. They are going to go fishing then camping out over night. I haven't decided if Emrick and I will take part in these activities or not. I'm sure we will because I hate to be left behind! I will stock up on bug spray.
Jacob is a pro bike rider now. He caught on super fast once he decided he wanted to ride. But, his Diego bike has a broken chain that keeps breaking. So we got the extra bike from my mom's but it's a bit too small for him and the training wheels are funky. So we are thinking that we will be buying him a new bike soon. It's kind of exciting! I think we will take him and let him pick out whichever one he wants. He will be super excited!
Right now we are headed to the park, then maybe Kohl's. I'm thinking Starbucks is in order, too.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Iowa State Fair
I have been trying all day to upload pictures here but blogger won't let me. Why do I have so many problems with this? No one else ever seems to have problems with this. Do you use blogger? Do you have problems uploading your pictures? How do I fix it?
Moving on, as the title clearly states, we went to the Iowa State Fair. Yesterday. It was so super hot but the kids loved it and we did so many fun things! We didn't eat anything fun, which is kind of a bummer. But we weren't really hungry. We drank a ton. Water and lemonade and some Powerade. Jacob's favorite part was the little blue dog he won playing the Lucky Duck game. Emrick won a ball. That was handed to her then promptly thrown, then chased down by Daddy. But we did a lot of really fun things! The kids got to ride some ponies and pet a camel. They did spin art and Emrick loved it. We went to Little Hands one the Farm and got to pretend to plant and harvest crops and go through the whole 'farm' then sell the 'goods' at the Farmer's Market to use the 'money' to get a prize at the store. It was really fun! Emrick picked a banana as her prize and Jacob picked a Popsicle.
After the fair we drove to Toys'R'Us and Emrick picked a baby doll in a backpack on wheels off the shelf. She pushed it all around the store and was so in love with it. When it was time to go, she couldn't bear to part with it, so Daddy bought it for her. Spoiled rotten little girl. Since Emrick got to buy something, Jacob got to buy a train. He was really happy.
Today we have been hanging out at home and not doing anything. I cleaned the kitchen up, but that's about it. Emrick's been pushing her baby all around the house. And Jacob rode his bike to the park with Burger. For the first time ever. He never was very interested in riding bikes but today he said he wanted to. And he did. On the way home the chain fell off his bike and Burger can't figure out how to fix it because it just keeps falling off. So, now that he wants to ride his bike, he can't. Because it's broken. Go figure.
Moving on, as the title clearly states, we went to the Iowa State Fair. Yesterday. It was so super hot but the kids loved it and we did so many fun things! We didn't eat anything fun, which is kind of a bummer. But we weren't really hungry. We drank a ton. Water and lemonade and some Powerade. Jacob's favorite part was the little blue dog he won playing the Lucky Duck game. Emrick won a ball. That was handed to her then promptly thrown, then chased down by Daddy. But we did a lot of really fun things! The kids got to ride some ponies and pet a camel. They did spin art and Emrick loved it. We went to Little Hands one the Farm and got to pretend to plant and harvest crops and go through the whole 'farm' then sell the 'goods' at the Farmer's Market to use the 'money' to get a prize at the store. It was really fun! Emrick picked a banana as her prize and Jacob picked a Popsicle.
After the fair we drove to Toys'R'Us and Emrick picked a baby doll in a backpack on wheels off the shelf. She pushed it all around the store and was so in love with it. When it was time to go, she couldn't bear to part with it, so Daddy bought it for her. Spoiled rotten little girl. Since Emrick got to buy something, Jacob got to buy a train. He was really happy.
Today we have been hanging out at home and not doing anything. I cleaned the kitchen up, but that's about it. Emrick's been pushing her baby all around the house. And Jacob rode his bike to the park with Burger. For the first time ever. He never was very interested in riding bikes but today he said he wanted to. And he did. On the way home the chain fell off his bike and Burger can't figure out how to fix it because it just keeps falling off. So, now that he wants to ride his bike, he can't. Because it's broken. Go figure.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
I was uploading more picture of our trip to the petting zoo, but blogger doesn't want to cooperate. So you only get the one of Emrick and a goat looking at something that must be fairly entertaining.
Here, I would like to say that I struggle with titling my posts. Everything seems so boring but if I add more, then I feel like I'm giving away the story! Now you know why my titles always suck. On to bigger and better topics. I feel like we have been the busiest, craziest people that ever lived. And we haven't even been doing anything. Well, nothing useful. Certainly not cleaning... But we did go to the petting zoo! And today we went to Barnes and Noble to play with trains and then when Burger went to work I took the kids to the pool with some friends. Had fun, wore the kids out. The end. This weekend we are planning on going to the Iowa State Fair! Jacob's teacher is going to call before next Wednesday and set up a meeting to meet him then orientation (just for parents) is on the 25th and he starts with a half day on the 26th. Omigod, omigod, omigod... Too close for comfort. I hope we fall into the new 'school' schedule easily. Somehow, I don't really see that happening. I have been staying up far too late at night and have to drag myself (literally) out of bed at 8:20 to rushrushrush to be to the Y by 9 on the days I work. Which will be drastically cut to Tuesday and Thursdays starting next Tuesday. Anyhow, I have to go wash my dishes immediately or I won't be able to stay awake long enough. And if I don't wash them tonight then I won't be able to make breakfast in the morning. Because breakfast requires dishes. And I have none that are clean. Putting them all on the floor overnight for the dog to lick doesn't actually constitute clean? Then I better get busy!
P.S. Do you love when I write in one big gigantic run-on paragraph? Because I think it adds some flare to my style. And maybe it gives you an idea of what actually goes on in my head... Also, we went to the pool in Waverly then ate at BK where Burger's sister Cheryl works. Hi Cheryl! Thanks for making a dinner that filled our bellies and satisfied our taste buds!
Thursday, August 5, 2010
A video
Today is Jacob's fourth birthday. I can't believe I've had this amazing little person in my life for four whole years. We had his actual party last Sunday but today we went to McDonald's playplace with my parents and my Grandma and our dear family friend, Bonny. Jacob got surprised with more birthday presents. And he made a cake with Burger before Burger had to leave for work. We had a really great day!
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
My Kids
Amazing. We always 'joke' that Jacob is a mini Burger and Emrick is a mini me. And it's always entertaining because Emrick tends to gravitate towards Burger and Jacob is kind of my buddy. Not on purpose, not 'playing favorites' but that's just kind of the way it usually turns out. Emrick responds to Burger in a totally (and most times much better) way than she responds to me and vise verse with Jacob.
Which brings me to my next point. Jacob starts preschool in just a few short weeks. Every time I think of it I have to hold back the tears. The tears of joy, because he is growing into such an amazing and happy young boy. He is so excited for every new thing to happen and goes with the flow so well. Anyone who knows me knows for sure that he did not learn that from hanging around me! And tears of sadness because they're stealing my little baby boy from me. He will make friends that I don't know (and pre-approve) and have conversations that I don't hear. He will cut with scissors, glue with glue sticks, color, make cool crafts. He will surely write his name for the first time and I won't be there to witness it. They will feed him foods that I don't know the nutrition facts of and hopefully they will always remember that he has a doctor's note and give him water instead of milk.
I am looking forward to spending some alone time with Emrick. And the chores I will be able to get done with only one kid at home!! I know that him going to pre-k is the right and healthy choice for all of us. But it's such a big change. He is too excited to go to school. Can't wait to meet his teacher and new friends. I thank my lucky stars that he is happy about this change because if he wasn't, then it would be a million times harder for me to let him go.
Monday, August 2, 2010
Jacob's Birthday Party!
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
It's Tuesday!
And I feel obligated to share with you that I took the trash can to the curb. The very (very) full and heavy trash can. And I fixed the car seat problem. You know, the problem where the seventeen month old baby girl learns to unbuckle the seat by herself. And I can't see if she's remained buckled or not while I'm driving because she is rear facing (5x safer!!) and she thinks it's funny to be naughty. So while I'm driving, I'm imagining her unbuckling and rebuckling her buckles over and over the entire drive to where ever it is we're going. Yeah, that's the car seat problem that I fixed. And now my mom doesn't have a seat in her car for that baby girl.
We played at the park today and sweated our butts off. Then enjoyed visiting my mom. Then came home and bathed the kids and put them to bed. And I had a shower in my upstairs bathroom, instead of the basement! Because Burger put a shower in the bathroom upstairs so I wouldn't have to shower in the scary basement shower any more! Jacob loves the new shower and wants to wash his hair From now until forever. Because that's how amazing upstairs bathroom new showers are. Trust me.
Speaking of Jacob's hair... Yesterday he came to me and asked me to put a handsome in his hair, while handing me one of Emrick's tiny baby hair rubber bands. So I put it in his hair while he explained that they are called 'pretties' when girls wear them but when boys wear them they are 'handsomes.' He has some amazing ideas. He will turn four years old next week and every single damn thing about him amazes me to no end. Today he wanted a handsome in his hair and the other little boys at the park thought it was funny/interesting and he didn't bat an eye. He wears handsomes because he likes them. End of story. I love that!
We played at the park today and sweated our butts off. Then enjoyed visiting my mom. Then came home and bathed the kids and put them to bed. And I had a shower in my upstairs bathroom, instead of the basement! Because Burger put a shower in the bathroom upstairs so I wouldn't have to shower in the scary basement shower any more! Jacob loves the new shower and wants to wash his hair From now until forever. Because that's how amazing upstairs bathroom new showers are. Trust me.
Speaking of Jacob's hair... Yesterday he came to me and asked me to put a handsome in his hair, while handing me one of Emrick's tiny baby hair rubber bands. So I put it in his hair while he explained that they are called 'pretties' when girls wear them but when boys wear them they are 'handsomes.' He has some amazing ideas. He will turn four years old next week and every single damn thing about him amazes me to no end. Today he wanted a handsome in his hair and the other little boys at the park thought it was funny/interesting and he didn't bat an eye. He wears handsomes because he likes them. End of story. I love that!
Saturday, July 24, 2010

This is what I did yesterday! I have more pictures but these ones are my favorite and I wanted to share them! We went fora walk around the lake and I decided to get a few good shots since the scenery was beautiful.
Today the plan is... nothing! Just like we did yesterday. Weekends are super relaxing around here since Burger works a different shift. We really like to take advantage of the weekends and be super lazy and relax. We did get grocery shopping done yesterday. And today I am kind of planning on having Burger hook up a shower in the tub. So we can shower upstairs instead of the gross basement. But I have my doubts that it will actually get done today. The curtains I bought for the kitchen are still in the package on the table. Where they've been for a good week and a half now!
The kids are doing great. Jacob is really excited about his birthday and Emrick is just really excited. Right this second they are eating Cheetos dipped in Trix yogurt. Gross, right?
Monday, July 19, 2010
Starting Thursday...
Emrick was sick on Thursday. Puking and sleeping, sleeping and puking. What a way to spend the day. She is feeling better now, thank goodness. However, she randomly puked again on Saturday night right at bedtime. No one else has caught it and omigosh, I am crossing all my fingers and toes and spraying Lysol all over the place.
Burger's weekends are Friday, Saturday, Sunday now which totally messes me up. We didn't do a whole lot of anything. I somehow talked him into finally painting the back hallway leading the basement. Right where you walk in the back door. We have tons of green paint leftover from the living/dining room area so that what we painted it. It looks so much better but a different color might have been nicer. Next I am going to paint the hallway.
Max gets a haircut tomorrow, hopefully. It was supposed to be Sunday but they never called the vet to get his records so I had to reschedule. They said they will give me a coupon for their mistake. I will keep you updated. And the next dog I get will have short hair. Very short hair.
Burger's weekends are Friday, Saturday, Sunday now which totally messes me up. We didn't do a whole lot of anything. I somehow talked him into finally painting the back hallway leading the basement. Right where you walk in the back door. We have tons of green paint leftover from the living/dining room area so that what we painted it. It looks so much better but a different color might have been nicer. Next I am going to paint the hallway.
Max gets a haircut tomorrow, hopefully. It was supposed to be Sunday but they never called the vet to get his records so I had to reschedule. They said they will give me a coupon for their mistake. I will keep you updated. And the next dog I get will have short hair. Very short hair.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
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