Today was kind of a lazy Sunday. We did get some stuff done, but mostly we were lazy! Jacob went with Grandma
Hild to pick out some big-boy underwear! He couldn't make up his mind so he got Thomas and Cars. He also got to pick out a train to play with. He picked James. Not that any of you normal people know which one James is. But, James is his favorite. He is red. He also like Harold the Helicopter quite a bit. Trains are his favorite! This picture he was being goofy. He was doing this and saying, "Upside down!" He is kind of hyper right now! I think it could be the candy Grandma let him pick at Target. Yeah, he got two packages of underwear, a train, and candy. He is such a lucky lucky boy! Burger and I cleaned our room today. It looks so much better! It was starting to get really cluttered and gross looking! It
doesn' t anymore, now it looks clean. Like a regular room! Burger never mowed the other day. I went out to check the situation and the lawn mower wouldn't start. Burger looked it up online, but he doesn't know what's wrong with it! So, if anyone knows anything about lawnmowers... Back to work tomorrow.
Yay. I wish I could sleep in everyday and hang out at home with Jacob all the time. I think I would get bored eventually, but it would really fun for awhile! I'm tired of going to the YMCA every morning and doing the same thing all the time! But, I guess that's what a job is... And considering jobs, I've got the better end of the deal. I suppose. Well, hope everyone had a good Sunday! Have fun at work tomorrow! I know I will...
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