This is my new lovely sofa! I love it so much, but it is cursed. I'm afraid that any time someone sits on my new sofa, they fall asleep! I told Burger that if this keeps happening, I will have to take this sofa back and get a different one! Jacob has fallen asleep like this twice. Not near bedtime or nap time, just in the middle of the day. He's not sick. There is no reason for my child to be playing cars on the sofa and then just fall asleep. The sofa is cursed. Burger falls asleep every time he sits on the sofa, too. I don't. I guess I'm the only one who can stand up to the powers of the sleepy sofa. Also, the plumber has come and gone. He fixed the problem, I think. He said he pulled a giant tree root out of the plumbing. We don't have trees in our yard. In any case , it only cost $85. So, it wasn't too bad. And there's a 45 day guarantee. Good day, my friends.
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