Wednesday, February 27, 2008


So I am really bad at putting new pics on here, but someday, you will all check in here and there will be like a whole page of new pics of Jacob! Anyhow, we put an offer on a house yesterday and now I am waiting and waiting for my realitor to call me and give me the news! We need this house so bad and Burger is in love with it! It's kind of small, but it would be ours, ya know... Anyhow, that's today. Just waiting. Jacob is crazy as ever and talks nonstop. Why do we want them to start doing things so fast? Once they start, they never stop! I love his little boy voice though... And he says some funny things! He calls everything to drink juice and he says sous for shoes. What's cuter than the missayings of tiny tots... not a whole lot! Have a good day everyone and cross your fingers for us to get this house!


Shannon said...

I am excited!!! I hope you got it. I will have to call to find out! Are there pictures or a listing online? Goodluck!!!

mandydake said...

good luck..