Friday, September 30, 2011

And Then We Did This...

We didn't get to actually SEE Daytona Beach because we got there too late. But I got a nice picture of the sign with my phone camera!

Emrick playing Barbies in the airport waiting for out car to come!

Before our Florida trip, I let the kids at a can of chocolate frosting just to see what would happen. Now we know! It was super fun and the clean up wasn't as bad as you would think.

Jacob plays football!

We visited Hansen Dairy Farm in Hudson to see where our milk, eggs, and butter come from!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Home Schooling and MOPS

That. The title. That's what I've been up to lately. Or, in theory at least!

Jacob has been really into watching Star Wars lately but today he randomly pulled out the Spiderman movie. I like Spiderman better than Star Wars!

Emrick is her same old messy self.

Burger has decided he would like to go back to school. He's just not sure what he wants to learn there, yet. So if you have any great ideas, let us know!