On the way to the state fair, we stopped for some lunch and in the parking lot the kids found a dead butterfly. They thought it was amazing. I thought it made for some cute pictures!
Burger woke up this morning with a yucky cold. Gross, hope I don't catch it! Jacob's teacher called this morning and we will be meeting her on Monday. On Wednesday Burger and I are going to orientation, where kids aren't invited. The plan is to have my mom watch the kids so we can both go and meet the teachers and hear the 'rules' of bringing him to school. Then he starts on Thursday with a half day. I am way more nervous than Jacob is. In fact, nervous isn't even in his head. He's only excited! Which makes me happy, and a little less nervous!
On Saturday we are planning to go to Burger's dad's. They are going to go fishing then camping out over night. I haven't decided if Emrick and I will take part in these activities or not. I'm sure we will because I hate to be left behind! I will stock up on bug spray.
Jacob is a pro bike rider now. He caught on super fast once he decided he wanted to ride. But, his Diego bike has a broken chain that keeps breaking. So we got the extra bike from my mom's but it's a bit too small for him and the training wheels are funky. So we are thinking that we will be buying him a new bike soon. It's kind of exciting! I think we will take him and let him pick out whichever one he wants. He will be super excited!
Right now we are headed to the park, then maybe Kohl's. I'm thinking Starbucks is in order, too.