Monday, August 31, 2009
Just Another Monday
I am well aware that I am a slacker. But, when it comes to blogging you have to have something blog worthy to talk about. And since I blog about our family life, there really isn't much to talk about. We are rather boring people. Over the weekend I got my hair trimmed. We also went to Burger's Dad's and roasted hot dogs and s'mores over the fire pit while Jacob played baseball. Last night we went to my grandma's and celebrated all the August and early September birthdays. Emrick helped herself to some red frosting off the cupcakes! She also helped herself to some one's coffee. She enjoyed herself tremendously! There was a 50% off clearance prices sale at Old Navy that I didn't go to. I didn't go because it's all summer wear and I have no idea what size to get either of my kids for next summer. My kids grow funny. Emrick is already wearing size 12 months and Jacob wears 4/5 or a kids x-small. I do buy his pants in a 5t at Target, though! My guess is that his body wanted to catch up with his feet. Today I should be working on cleaning the entire house, but I probably won't. I'm not going to lie. I am exhausted today and just want to sit and watch Dora with my kids.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Six Months Old
At exactly 5:12 this evening, my baby will be six months old. A half year! It was only six months ago that I was in the hospital waiting for labor to be induced. Just long enough that I remember the story vividly, but not the pain...
Emrick sits unsupported very well and gets up on her hands and knees trying to crawl. She has very animated facial expressions and likes to have her feet rubbed. She is almost always kicking her feet or pushing off of something with her feet. She has very busy feet! Jacob and Emrick love each other and the picture of them above takes my breath away. What intelligent, beautiful little people!
Monday, August 24, 2009
Ready for the Week?
Not so much. But it's too late. It's here whether I want it or not. Today is all about laundry and groceries. Sounds fun, huh? We are updating a bit in the kitchen. Painted the cupboards yesterday and put some curtains in place of the cupboard doors. Sounds silly, but it looks OK. I'm still getting used to it. Jacob drew me some pictures that I am framing and hanging in there. When everything gets a bit more 'done' I will try to post pictures. Then I can get your opinions! I'm not sure I love the new look, but it will do...
On Wednesday my baby Emrick will be half a year old! I think I might bake cupcakes or something. We'll sing and have Jacob blow out the candle. I don't know. Surviving six whole months in this family seems like a big accomplishment to me! I also would like to share with all of you that every time I spell check, every single time, the only thing that comes up highlighted is Emrick's name.
On Wednesday my baby Emrick will be half a year old! I think I might bake cupcakes or something. We'll sing and have Jacob blow out the candle. I don't know. Surviving six whole months in this family seems like a big accomplishment to me! I also would like to share with all of you that every time I spell check, every single time, the only thing that comes up highlighted is Emrick's name.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Teeth, you say?
I bought Emrick some teething biscuits the other day and she loves them! I think these slobbery pictures are hilarious and thought maybe you guys would, too! And, yes, her eyes are always that large.
Emrick is sleeping right now, she has been wiped the past couple days. Apparently growing teeth is hard work. Jacob is on the sofa watching cartoons. Very wholesome. So I am enjoying a few moments of quiet to myself. I am also washing all the new shirts my mom brought back from Florida. She got so many, it was almost a full load of just new shirts! When Emrick wakes up we are headed to Target for diapers and probably to Hair Biz to get Jacob's crazy hairs cut.
On a totally different note, we have started talking about Halloween costumes and as it turns out, Burger and I don't get a say in Jacob's choice. Well, we will be buying the costume so I guess we have the final say. But, if he doesn't get to pick then he won't wear it and all that money would have been spent for nothing. And he says he wants to be James, from Thomas and Friends. It turns out that they DO sell a James costume. But them he wants to be McQueen. No wait, Curious George. No, no, he wants to be Tigger or Elmo or whatever else he can come up with in that three year old head of his. So I think we are all settling for Thomas because they are readily available at the local Wal-Mart and fairly easy. Thomas will satisfy everyone. So, to match, I want to dress Emrick as a baby train engineer. Cute, huh? But I need a pair of striped baby overalls. And it seems I cannot find any online... Odd. So, if you know where I can get a pair of striped baby overalls please let me know. Thanks, in advance!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Half Over
Burger and the kids playing puzzle.
This week is half over and I couldn't be happier about it. I am so ready for the weekend. Then next week I start work again. Kind of excited but also kind of bummed at the same time, if that makes any sense. We went to my friend Megan's house to play today and the kids, all four of them, were just charming. And now both of my kids are sleeping! Hooray! I need to clean the stove, but I thought I would update everyone here first. Nothing much to update, besides Emrick had two little baby teeth now!! I noticed the first one on Tuesday but she wouldn't give me a good look. So I got a better look yesterday and sure enough, there are two of them! Such a big girl! Next thing ya know, she'll be crawling!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Vampire Baby?

I got this picture yesterday at the park. It was Emrick's first time in the grass. She was indifferent, and a little confused. But I took the picture with my phone and when I put it on the computer, I noticed that she is absolutely glowing. This is kind of what I imagine a vampire would look like in the sun.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Friday Friday!!
The car got cleaned out today. And Jacob's car seat cover got washed. I vacuumed the car and dusted it and washed the floor mats. The car looks brand new even though it's ten years old! It took me two hours to clean it all while Emrick slept and Jacob watched the TV.
Yesterday at the doctor, Emrick weighed in at 17lbs. 8oz! My big girl! She got some Desonide Lotion for her face and some Nystatin for her girl parts. Under her neck, the doctor said is a yeast rash and is due to being wet and dark constantly. She said to use cornstarch if I wanted and just try my best to keep it as dry as I can under there! Right, have you seen this girls chins? Jacob and Emrick behaved themselves the whole visit. I was so happy and proud.
Today we went to the mall and checked out Old Navy. Then went to play in the play area. Again, both kids were very well behaved. Obviously. Could we expect anything less from my perfect children? Of course not. We got cheeseburgers and Sprite from McDonald's on the way home. Jacob spilled half of his Sprite into his car seat which is what actually sparked the car cleaning frenzy today. Burger ditched us for the night so I am trying to figure out dinner plans now. Any good ideas?
Yesterday at the doctor, Emrick weighed in at 17lbs. 8oz! My big girl! She got some Desonide Lotion for her face and some Nystatin for her girl parts. Under her neck, the doctor said is a yeast rash and is due to being wet and dark constantly. She said to use cornstarch if I wanted and just try my best to keep it as dry as I can under there! Right, have you seen this girls chins? Jacob and Emrick behaved themselves the whole visit. I was so happy and proud.
Today we went to the mall and checked out Old Navy. Then went to play in the play area. Again, both kids were very well behaved. Obviously. Could we expect anything less from my perfect children? Of course not. We got cheeseburgers and Sprite from McDonald's on the way home. Jacob spilled half of his Sprite into his car seat which is what actually sparked the car cleaning frenzy today. Burger ditched us for the night so I am trying to figure out dinner plans now. Any good ideas?
Thursday, August 13, 2009
You Should Have Known...
The car's not cleaned out yet. It was super hot outside! So instead I took a million videos of my kids and posted them on facebook. OK, three. But still... I also did dishes about a million times because I only own four Avent bottles that don't leak all over everywhere. So I have to clean them quite frequently. Today we went to the park and played. Then went to Kohl's and would you believe that they have Halloween costumes out already? Burger wants to be in charge of Halloween this year, and I'm going to let him. But they are still fun to look at! Right now Emrick is sleeping and Jacob is wasting his mind on TV. Later we take Emrick to the doctor to check out the rashes. Wish me luck!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
I have two sleeping kids. Again. Can you believe my sheer luck? So, I thought I should use my time wisely and update the blog. Again. Two days in a row. Can you believe your sheer luck?
I went to the YMCA today and talked to said boss. I start back to work on the 24th of August and work Tuesday and Thursday mornings. Sounds like a nice change. While I was there I fed my baby Go-gurt from the day care in back and she loved it. I know it's all sugar, but I couldn't resist. And it made her so happy! I also picked up the fall schedule books. I want to put Jacob in swimming lessons and gymnastic classes. But since they overlap I will have to pick just one. I guess I'll let the kid have some input, but I am personally leaning more towards swimming lessons.
On my list today was the YMCA and that's done. And that was the list. The only thing on the list. By ten o'clock this morning it was done. Crossed off. Can you believe how on top of things I am today? High five for Mandi. So on my way home from the Y I thought I should make a new list. My new list is to clean out and vacuum out the car. We'll see how long that takes to get done.
I went to the YMCA today and talked to said boss. I start back to work on the 24th of August and work Tuesday and Thursday mornings. Sounds like a nice change. While I was there I fed my baby Go-gurt from the day care in back and she loved it. I know it's all sugar, but I couldn't resist. And it made her so happy! I also picked up the fall schedule books. I want to put Jacob in swimming lessons and gymnastic classes. But since they overlap I will have to pick just one. I guess I'll let the kid have some input, but I am personally leaning more towards swimming lessons.
On my list today was the YMCA and that's done. And that was the list. The only thing on the list. By ten o'clock this morning it was done. Crossed off. Can you believe how on top of things I am today? High five for Mandi. So on my way home from the Y I thought I should make a new list. My new list is to clean out and vacuum out the car. We'll see how long that takes to get done.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Today is all about me getting stuff done around the house and relaxing. Dishes and laundry are done and both kids are asleep so I thought I'd update everyone on our lives. Not much to update, really. Last night Burger lost his wallet in the parking lot of Wal-Mart in the pouring rain. That was fun. But someone actually found it and took it to customer service. And nothing was missing. Doesn't that give you warm fuzzies? Burger and I were both really surprised and delighted! Then he got a new wallet because the old one will probably never dry out. Oh well, it's nice to have a new wallet every once in a while. My mom is in Florida until next Tuesday, then she starts school right away. So, my summer fun with my mom is done. Bummer. I am still waiting for my boss to call me back and give me my hours for the YMCA. I have already contacted her twice and she said she was busy and would call me back both times. Haven't heard from her. So we'll see what happens there. It would be nice to get back into some sort of regular schedule, though. Not a whole lot else to update.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Tubby Time!
Emrick in the tub. She sits up well enough that we can just put some water in the big tub and toss her in. Well, we don't actually toss her... But you get the point. So big! We had a nice semi-relaxing weekend. Went to the Bremer County Fair on Saturday night. Jacob got to ride some rides and play some games. Won a little stuffed Nemo fish. Very cool. So cool, in fact, that it's still in my car because that's where he left it when we came home from the fair. Pretty chill week coming up. I should be going back to work at the YMCA any day now. That should help the kids and I get a better schedule going. I am getting ready to paint the kitchen cupboards any day now. They are painted light blue right now, but the guy who lived here before us painted them with funny paint that totally just washes off every time I wipe them. So I am repainting them a darker blue and we got all new hardware to make them look a bit nicer. Hopefully. So, what do you have planned for your week?
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Jacob is Three!

I can't believe my baby is so big! He walks and talks like a grown person but still needs his mommy to scare the monsters away! The perfect age, right? Today Grandma Hild surprised him with balloons and a fun trip to Chuck E. Cheese where he ate enough pizza and cotton candy to choke a cat! Tonight he wants eggs for dinner. That's his personal favorite for some reason. So Daddy is working on that while I write a blog and Jacob is watching a Thomas video. What a fun birthday!
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Ok, so I'm a slacker kind of blogger. But you can't be mad at me because I have the two cutest kids in the universe and I let you see pictures of them, for free! Right here, right on this very blog that rarely gets updated! Tomorrow is Jacob's third birthday and there will probably be a post on that. And tears. We had his birthday party on Sunday and he loved it! He wants to have his birthday party again.
We are trying a new thing in this house called 'not so much junk food!' Yay! We tossed out the candy and fruit snacks to begin with and replaced them with sugar free applesauce cups and sugar free jello with fruit inside cups and yogurt in the fridge. I have limited myself to one caffeinated beverage per day. So far it's going alright. Jacob got tons and tons of candy for his birthday and I put it in a Tupperware on the top shelf of the cupboard. So if anyone wants it, I have to go get the step stool from Jacob's bed room and climb up there to get the candy. So far, it hasn't been touched. We have been eating leftover Thomas cake from his party, but who could let that go to waste?
In other news, Emrick is big. She sits up alone. She eats bagels and drinks out of sippy cups. I bought those star puffy things from Wal-Mart last night to give her. We haven't tried them with her yet, but Jacob likes them! We're waiting for teeth. And can someone explain to me why this baby can hold and drink out of her sippy cup but cannot hold and drink out of her own bottle?
We are trying a new thing in this house called 'not so much junk food!' Yay! We tossed out the candy and fruit snacks to begin with and replaced them with sugar free applesauce cups and sugar free jello with fruit inside cups and yogurt in the fridge. I have limited myself to one caffeinated beverage per day. So far it's going alright. Jacob got tons and tons of candy for his birthday and I put it in a Tupperware on the top shelf of the cupboard. So if anyone wants it, I have to go get the step stool from Jacob's bed room and climb up there to get the candy. So far, it hasn't been touched. We have been eating leftover Thomas cake from his party, but who could let that go to waste?
In other news, Emrick is big. She sits up alone. She eats bagels and drinks out of sippy cups. I bought those star puffy things from Wal-Mart last night to give her. We haven't tried them with her yet, but Jacob likes them! We're waiting for teeth. And can someone explain to me why this baby can hold and drink out of her sippy cup but cannot hold and drink out of her own bottle?
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