Monday, March 30, 2009

Baby Leg

When Emrick was born, my aunt sent a gift of baby leggings and I totally fell in love with the idea. The pair she sent was purple and white striped and I didn't have anything in tiny baby size to match. So I went and bought a pink pair that will match literally everything in this baby's closet. And look how freakin' cute they are! I love love love them and can't wait to dress this child every single day and use the crap out of these baby legs! Also, I can't wait to go buy more baby legs! I am also going to buy a pair for Jacob. Sounds crazy, but they sell boy versions. As noted, he is potty training and wonders around the house naked on the bottom most of the time so he can remember to use the potty when ever he has to. With a pair of cute boy baby legs he will keep his legs warm while not having to take pants down every ten minutes to pee in the toilet. Genius.

Sunday, March 29, 2009


This is my fancy new sink. Because yesterday when I was woke up by my fabulous son the old one had a huge chunk of it missing off the corner. Also there was poop in my hallway. Yesterday was not a great day. I know this looks like a regular sink to most people, but compared to what the old sink looked like, this sink is Gucci. Seriously, our old sink was ghetto. Straight out of the East side.

Because yesterday (all of last week, or perhaps the past couple months) were so terrible, I had to add a fun, adorable picture of my oldest baby having fun in the tub. He does have fun a lot. Just because there aren't pictures of it doesn't mean it doesn't happen. Tomorrow my whole family leaves to go to Las Vegas for my brother's wedding. We are not going to be joining them. We couldn't spare the money for the trip and also when everyone was buying tickets I was still pregnant and unsure of when girl baby would make her appearance. So we opted out. We are bummed to not be there because I love my brother and my soon to be sister-in-law. But, hard choices have to be made sometimes. So, here's wishing my family safe travels and a fun and cherished wedding day.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

New Glasses, New Haircut

If you knew how I got this picture, you would be laughing hysterically. I was mostly just trying to show you my new glasses and haircut but I didn't do a very good job. Sorry.

Super Gross Alert:

If my son doesn't quite pooping on the carpet, I am gong to box him up and ship him to Germany.

Friday, March 27, 2009

A Friday in the Making...

Well, the good news is that it is Friday. Other than that my day is pretty well crap. I have the worst headache all day and Jacob is LOUD and Emrick wants to be held and snuggled all day. I got my new glasses. The prescription was a lot stronger than my old ones and it took twenty-four hours to get in. So I picked them up last night and had them fit. They told me to wait until this morning to wear them exclusively because the prescription is so much different. So I went to put them on this morning and they are way too tight on the one side. I need to take them back and have them refitted. Bummer. We went to story time today and Jacob was pretty well behaved. We left Emrick with my mom at her house so Jacob and I could go alone. When we got back to my mom's house he was the loudest, naughtiest kid ever. We came home so he could have a nap but that didn't work out. I should have known better. Burger works tomorrow with is such a bummer for me. Hopefully these kids calm down and sleep and behave tomorrow. Wish me luck.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

A Little Poem

Mother, oh mother, come shake out your cloth.
Empty the dustpan, poison the moth.
Hang out the washing and butter the bread.
Sew on a button and make up a bed.
Where is the mother whose house is so shocking?
She's up in the nursery, blissfully rocking.
Oh I've grown shiftless as Little Boy Blue (lullaby,rock-a-bye,Lullaby loo).
Dishes are waiting and bills are past due (pat-a-cake, darling, and peek-a-boo).
The shopping is not done and there's nothing for stew.
And out in the yard there's a hullabaloo.
But I'm playing 'Kanga' and this is my 'Roo'.
Look! Aren't his eyes the most wonderful hue? (lullaby, rock-a-bye, lullaby loo).
The cleaning and scrubbing will wait till tomorrow,
For children grow up, as I've learned to my sorrow.
So quiet down cobwebs.
Dust go to sleep.
I'm rocking my baby and babies don't keep.

Obviously, I didn't write it. But I found it on a website and thought it was lovely. Just wanted to share it. Yesterday Jacob did much better using the potty. I broke down after Monday and bought some Pull-Ups. He pooped his pants three times on Monday and I couldn't handle it any more. So yesterday he wore Pull-Ups and didn't pee in them once. He also pooped in the potty! So I am feeling better about it today, like we are making some progress. Thank goodness. Emrick is being a little pistol today. She cried all night last night. Well, she slept well from nine until twelve-thirty then ate a bottle and cried the rest of the night. Finally around six-thirty this morning she fell asleep. But then Jacob woke up and woke her up. We have been having great fun today! I put her in her swing and she has been sleeping there for a while now. Another thank goodness. I am getting ready to shower (hopefully) because I have an eye appointment this afternoon. I am going to a place called Vision4Less and they say it's a one hour service. As in I will get my eyes checked and pick glasses and come back in an hour to pick them up. Like one hour photos. Cool, huh? I will let you know if that's how it works out. Possibly post a pic if I get new frames.

Monday, March 23, 2009

This is What Happens on Sundays

Sunday was Burger's only day off this week. And next week, too. So we stayed home most of Sunday and just relaxed together. I tried to watch my new Twilight movie, but Jacob had better plans. So hopefully Jacob will take a nap today so I can watch my movie! We are still struggling with potty training, but I'm sure we're making progress. Hopefully we're making progress. We bought Jacob new Thomas underwear and a potty shaped like a frog from Target. Seriously, the cutest potty ever. Jacob loves it. He also got to pick his very own bag of candy and gets to have a piece when he pees and get two pieces when he poops. He has never gotten two pieces. We call it his potty-candy. Isn't this just the most entertaining blog to read?

Saturday, March 21, 2009


I am so tired of Burger working overtime. I am frustrated with potty training and to make it even worse, I can't leave my house today because I can't find any underwear for Jacob to wear. It's not dirty because all of the laundry in my house is washed. Where did it go? I have no idea... Honestly. I am going to have to take him to the store with no underwear on (at least he'll be wearing pants, huh) to buy him more underwear. Sounds like a fun day. I just spent $45 printing pictures at I have to pick those up later tonight. No one offered their opinions on the photos of Emrick so now you just get what I give you. Suck it up. If you don't voice an opinion, then you don't have a choice. Speak up sooner next time. I am just in a generally bad mood right now so I am going to take myself to my sofa to sulk. That way you don't have to listen to me anymore.

Friday, March 20, 2009

The Other One

I just wanted to remind everyone that I haven't forgotten that I have a son. My first baby. He loves his sister but is a little too crazy to be still long enough for me to photograph. But, trust me, I haven't forgotten about him! He is working on potty training and has been wearing underwear all week. Lots of accidents at my house! But, we are trying, and I vow to not give up. Even though this is really hard. I hate hate hate cleaning up messes and it would be so much easier if I could just slap a pull-up on his butt and call it a day. But, I can't. Pull-ups are just diapers shaped like underwear and what good would that do? So, real underwear it is. Even though I hate it. It's not for me. This picture is Jacob this morning. He ate his regular oatmeal for breakfast and then had fruit snacks because Daddy told him he could after he ate breakfast. That's what Jacob told me anyhow. It sounded logical, and totally something Burger would say. I made sandwich for breakfast because that's what I was hungry for, and Jacob stole it. So he also had a bologna sandwich for breakfast. No wonder he grows so fast! Hope you enjoy the picture of my boy child! And also, have a happy first day of spring!

Thursday, March 19, 2009


That was me, sighing with relief. In the five hours that Jacob was gone I did the dishes, laundry, washed sheets and blankets off our bed and Jacob's bed, and took some good shots of Emrick. I also swept and mopped the dining room floor. I feel very successful. The pictures above are the ones you get to choose from. Let me know what size you want and if you prefer a particular pose and I will get them to you as soon as I can.

Emrick's First Tub

This is Emrick after her first tub. She actually kind of liked it. I was ready for the crying fit when I undressed her, but she actually was quiet and sort of enjoyed the water. It was a pleasant experience for us both. I just got home from taking Jacob to my mom's house. They are going to bake cupcakes together and just hang out. So my house is nice and quiet right now. Peaceful. I haven't decided yet if I'm going to actually get stuff done or take a nice long nap! I'll let you know tomorrow. I stopped at McDonald's on my way home and got a Shamrock shake to enjoy. Here's to a peaceful afternoon!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

St. Patrick's Day!

Boy, did we have a day today! We left the house in a rush to get to gymnastics on time this morning and didn't make it home until dinner time. Jacob pooped his pants twice and peed them four times. I didn't have nearly enough extras. We had to buy him a pair of pants at the consignment shop because he peed himself while we were shopping there and I was out of extras. It was a super fun day. I semi-locked myself out of my house. That's actually a long story! The good news is A.)We were all wearing green for the holiday and B.)Emrick got a whole new wardrobe from the consignment shop and it was all 75% off! Wish us better luck for tomorrow!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Really Quick...

And also one-handed since this girl baby won't let me out her down. Emrick lost her belly-button cord stump today. Not that any of you care much, but it's exciting for me. She gets to have real baths now! Yay! Burger and my dad finally fixed the fence in my backyard. Now I only have to wait a whole nother summer for the other fence to get put up. We got our new washing machine and dryer. I am in love with them so far. Much quieter than the old set. My mom and I went to a bridal shower and ate pizza and played fun bridal shower games. I won bingo. I found a pair of shoes that fit and stay on Emrick's feet. We are still searching for Jacob's Crocs. Ask me again why I'm not ordering them online. Because I have no answer for that except shipping is $10 and that makes the online shoes the same price as the ones I will buy at the store. Except if I go the store I don't know that I paid $10 for shipping. I'll cave before long, I'm sure. I just hate knowing that it only costs $3 to ship them and I am being overcharged. I finally finally finally found a website where I can buy vanilla scented Soothie pacifiers for $1.50 each $4 for shipping. So if Emrick doesn't take to these unscented pacis that the hospital gave us when I paid them a visit today, I will be ordering the scented ones online. Burger is back on first shift this week, but still working tens. So he will get home just in time to eat dinner and put Jacob to bed. That's this week and next week and after that no one knows where he will be going. The other day when I went to the mall, and the double stroller was so hard to push! When Burger took it out of the trunk so we could fit groceries, the tire fell off! So I am on the prowl for a new one of those as well. Will take suggestions. That's all for today, folks. Enjoy the new coming spring weather and don't forget to wear green on Tuesday.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Lucky Friday the Thirteenth

Today has been a good day so far. Burger stayed up long enough to join us for breakfast and that was nice. Then the kids and I went to the mall in search of Crocs in Jacob's size. Which, by the way, are the hardest things to find! We have went to both malls now and can't find any in his size! Who knew a 10/11 was such a popular size? But I did go to Old Navy and lucked out on the $.99 sale! Got two hooded sweat shirts for Jacob, many pairs of pants for Emrick in various sizes, and winter hats for next year all for a dollar each! I also got Jacob a nice button up shirt for Easter for $3.50! I love getting good deals! Emrick was an angel the whole time we were out from the house. She even stayed in her car seat the whole time, instead of insisting I carry her. That was really pleasant. I used my double stroller and that is the most the most difficult thing to push! A friend gave it to me when we found out we were expecting, but I think I might just buy a new one. So, if anyone has any great suggestions for an easy to push double stroller, let me know! I was thinking of the Sit'n'Stand, but some of the reviews aren't so great.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Two Weeks

Emrick is two weeks old today. The paci next to her is the Gumdrop paci. It smells like vanilla, but she likes the one from the hospital better. She is definitely a girl. Anyhow, two weeks old. Here is a picture of it for you.

I bought these shoes for her at Target last night because they were too cute! They are size zero to six weeks. Newborn shoes. Totally fell right off her dainty little feet. I am hoping they fit at Easter, but her feet would have to double in size for that to happen.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

And Again

Today brings more third shift, crying baby, feisty toddler, dentists, and grumpy overtired mom. I am now researching the Moby wrap and truly think that will be my best bet with the fussy one. It looks kind of fun, and only slightly difficult. If anyone reads this blog and they have used or know how to use the Moby wrap, let me know. I have thank you cards to write, insurance papers to fill out, and a baby permanently attached leaving me with no arms! I'm thinking any kind of wrap sounds good right now.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Today I am extremely tired. Burger is working third shift this week and it's wearing us all out! And it's only Tuesday, so we have over half a week to go. Bummer. Emrick has been a bit fussy the past couple days and I am hoping that she is just having some sort of growth spurt. I hope this behavior isn't permanent. She has also taken to sleeping only on her belly. Either on her belly while laying on some one's chest or on her belly in her bassinet. This meaning that she isn't real keen on her swing, bouncy chair, or car seat. Fun, fun. But, we are dealing with it. I am going to the store later to buy one of those backpack looking front baby carriers. Hopefully she will take to that in a heartbeat and it will solve all our problems! Wish me luck. Jacob has been doing really well. He woke up at four o'clock this morning thinking that it was day time. So, he moved into bed with me and Emrick. That was super fun. Then they both woke up at six o'clock and we started our day. And still managed to be late for gymnastics at nine forty-five. Figure that one out. So, as of this second, Emrick is sleeping in her bassinet, Jacob is crying in his bed because he doesn't want to have a nap, and Burger is getting ready to leave for the dentist. I am researching back pack carriers online and decided to pop in and put a new post so you guys wouldn't think I forgot about you! I am hoping to get some good pictures of the two yahoos later this week, but don't hold your breath.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Some Sort of Disease?

Today is emrick's one week birthday and to celebrate she is wearing the dress Daddy picked out for her when I was pregnant. I put the pants on to keep her warm, and I think it actually looks super cute!

Emrick in her car seat. I had to show you that she doesn't hate it! We are not torturing out daughter by making her travel places with us, I promise! Notice the paci hiding on her shoulder? It's from the hospital and it's scented. Like vanilla. Sneaky bastards. She wouldn't even consider a different kind of paci. Not even the regular Soothie ones. Because they don't smell like vanilla. So I ordered some online and am expecting them in the mail any day now. I will post a picture of them when they come because I am really excited about them! I ordered pink and purple. My only other choices were blue and orange. But, I figured the girlier the better! The disease that the title is referring to is the sort where I cannot get the camera unglued from my hand. I think I have a picture of this girl baby in every position. I could make a flip book of her daily activities! I don't remember being like this with Jacob, but I didn't have a digital camera then. And now I do. And it's so much easier! Snap, snap, snap... Post, post post... Thus is the story of her life. Also, I mentioned that today is her one week birthday! Yay! To celebrate, she is wearing her party dress and I am going to dinner (hopefully) at Carlos O' Kelly's. I say hopefully because Burger hasn't been feeling the best. He says his head hurts and his belly doesn't feel the greatest. He thinks that maybe he is over tired. Hahaha. Men are so funny some times! Next week he will be working third shift at work. They asked him and he accepted because he will get paid extra for it being third shift. Quite a bit extra, and that could be really handy right about now! So, next week might be a little hairy. If I only post pictures and no words, don't throw things at me! Besides, you only come here for the pictures anyway!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

What to Do...

I want the main focus of this post to be the fact that both of my kids are sleeping. If you knew Jacob, then you would know what a feat that is. We survived gymnastics this morning. We actually had a good time. There are only two other kids in our class. Both of them girls. Both of them eighteen months old. Not much of a match for my wild crazy boy. We stayed for about fifteen minutes before Jacob decided he was tired and wanted to go home. I wasn't sure if I should let him leave early or not, but figured what could it hurt? If he doesn't want to go, then we won't go. So, we actually only survived half a gymnastics class this morning. Then we came home and watched Thomas on the television and both my kids fell asleep. Goes to show you how much they love Thomas. Haha! So I did a load of laundry and washed the dishes and have been surfing the net for about an hour now. What to do with myself. I was going to lay down for a nap but figured that the second I would lay down, one or both of them would desperately need something. So I stayed awake. Which I now know was the wrong decision. But if I were to lay down now... So here I am blogging the most boring post. Doesn't everyone wish they had my kind of problems today?

Monday, March 2, 2009

My First Outing

I am so proud of myself! I took both the kids out today and didn't have one single problem! We went to the YMCA to sign Jacob up for Mommy and Me Gymnastics. It starts tomorrow which was a big surprise because I was pretty sure it started next week! In any case, it's a good thing we went to sign up today! Then we went to McDonald's to play in the play thing they have there. Jacob played for about fifteen minutes before he was done and ready to go home. There were a handful of other kids there but none of them were playing. They were all sitting and eating or sitting and chatting with their parents. It must not be a big play day. Oh well, we start gymnatics tomorrow so Jacob should get enough energy out of his system. We have all sorts of appointments at the end of this week so I am really happy that our first outing went so well! I think Wednesday is the only day we don't have anything planned. So maybe we can chill out at home on wednesday.

Sunday, March 1, 2009


Emrick in her car seat for the first time! She wasn't a big fan, but has since gotten used to it!

Mommy, Daddy, and Emrick. Jacob wasn't there because he was at Grandpa Hild's house having a nap.

This is one of my favorites! Could those cheeks be any chubbier?

Jacob is a proud big brother! He is already very protective! Just ignore the candy on his face and hands!

Proud grandma! I have been camera happy for the past couple days, for obvious reasons! I think I have taken some ninety pictures of this new girl child! You can expect to see plenty more! If you wish to see the hospital pictures go to and click on web nursery!


I hope you all enjoyed Burger's company while we were in the hospital. He has been the one handling all my affairs (blog, facebook, e-mail, etc.) I hope he has kept every ones curiosity satisfied. What he didn't share with you, I'm sure, is that I am a rock star. I was in labor for only four and a half hours and without any drug intervention I pushed a seven pound twelve ounce perfect human being out of my nether regions. Less than an hour later I was in the tub and walking around the room eating cheeseburgers and feeding our lovely girl baby. I am proud of myself, and I think that my pride is totally justified. We are home now and everyone is happy and healthy. I received seven boxes of Girl Scout cookies as a baby gift. Yes, seven! Thank you Megan! So we are all pigging out and being lazy today. At some point we will be making our way to the grocery store today so that when Burger goes back to work tomorrow Jacob and I will have something else to pig out on besides cookies. My blood pressure was still running a bit high when I left the hospital so they prescribed me a water pill that makes me pee every twenty minutes. At least I'm used to it since I was just pregnant an all... Emrick is eating two ounces of formula every two to five hours. She is also a rock star. She was sleeping five hour stretches last night in between feedings. So far, this is going pretty well.