Monday, June 30, 2008
Good Morning Monday!
Monday morning... Jacob is just waking up and then we are getting ready to go to work! I was sad to see the weekend go until Burger reminded me that we have a short week for the Fourth of July! That made me happy and not so grumpy on a Monday morning!
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Parade Saturday!
Today we went to the Sturgis Falls parade in Cedar Falls. My parents live near the parade route so we always have good parking! It rained right before the parade so we were a little nervous, but the rain stopped and the sun came our just in time! Jacob had fun watching the parade at the beginning, but then he got tired of it and played in the dirt! We got a pinwheel, a flag, a pen, and a UNI poster! They handed out alot of stuff! Jacob also got a balloon, but of course he let go it after like 2 seconds! He didn't care. Later we are going to Old Navy. An inside source tells me they are having a good sale right now so we have to go check it out! Yesterday I got some good shots of Jacob for his 2 year old pictures. But they are secret until his birthday! You shhould be looking forward to it though, because they are pretty good! :) Have a good Saturday everyone!
Friday, June 27, 2008
Yay, Friday!
Today is the day I have been waiting for! And I am so happy to finally see it! We have no plans for the weekend, and that is refreshing! Actually, we do have some small plans. A birthday party on Sunday afternoon for one of Jacob's little YMCA friends. I am looking forward to it because the little girl and Jake play together so nicely! Also, last night, Burger and Jacob and I were laying in bed watching Clifford on Tv and Burger decided to take a little cat nap. Jacob noticed and took the opportunity to plaster Daddy with stickers from his Cars sticker book! It was so hysterical that I had to take a picture! Burger was surprised to wake up with a flash in his face and stickers all over! My boys are funny. The picture on the very top is from last Sunday when we went to the carshow in Minneapolis. My dad was taking a nap on the way up there. He had to put earplugs in his ears because Jeremy plays his music so loud in his car. I thought he looked funny! Have a great Friday everyone!
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Is it Friday Yet?
I am so ready to have a weekend. I keep thinking that today is Friday, but I know in my head that it is still only Wednesday. So I am just kind of waiting for it to be over. Burger wants to go to Target tonight and get the new Futurama movie. Sounds like a plan to me. Jacob is being crazy loud today. Also just kind of crazy. He has been sleeping alot this week, so I am waiting for a growth spurt. Which means all of his clothes might have to be replaced in the near future. And his shoes. That would be frustrating since I just bought him a new pair of sandals. But on the bright side, if his feet grow, then his blue crocs will fit! We have been listening to records (thanks Dave!) and just hanging out around the house so I am kind of getting stir crazy. That's probably what Jacob's problem is, too. I think I will take him outside to play now, or maybe to the park. Hope everyone has a good day!
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Money Well Spent
Our computer has been acting up, as you know. So last night when Burger got home from work, I informed him that it was time to buy a new PC. He was heartbroken. We had looked at some computers on Friday night and decided to go buy the one he liked best. So I am writing this post on our brand new Toshiba laptop. Laptop, you say? Yes. Why, you ask? I don't know. They were cuter. That's today's story. Have a good one!
Monday, June 23, 2008
Monday Fun!

Today is Monday. We had a really nice weekend! We got the materials to do our floor on Friday night. Jacob went with Grandpa Hild to the tractor show and Burger and I went to Mendards. Doesn't sound like a fair trade, does it? On Saturday we were all really lazy and laid around ALL DAY! We did manage to make it to the grocery store so we wouldn't starve this week, not that it was much of a threat! Then we went to Burger's Dad's and grilled out while the boys tried to figure out what was wrong with my car. The grillin' was good, though not quite a match for my GrillMaster 3000! I think it's the charcoal that does most of the work here at my house! Anyhow, it's not my tires on the car, it's something else. My brother thinks maybe a wheel bearing, but that hasn't been thoroughly explored yet. On Sunday Burger and I went with my dad and my brother to the Back to the 50's car show in Minneapolis. It was fun, and the weather was great! We stopped at the Mall of America and I went to the Disney store and bought some cute things for Jacob! Burger's CD came in the mail today, as did my movie! So that was really fun for a Monday! Burger will be surprised, I hid it under his pillow so he has to go on a treasure hunt for it! It should be fun! I got some cleaning done today, mostly laundry! Now Jacob and I are getting ready to watch the movie Cars. Hope everyone has a good Monday!
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Good Day!

These are obviously some pictures from the zoo. The first one was the coolest setup! I have it in color, too. It is my favorite picture of Burger and Jake! Lovely scenery! The other is starfish, in case you couldn't tell! I have a couple other pictures, too, that I might add later. My computer is still doing weird things and going very slowly. I'm not sure the guy at Computer Reboot actually fixed it. We grilled out last night and it was fabulous! I call Burger my GrillMaster 3000. He can grill anything and grill it with style! Jacob is eating leftovers as we speak! I don't have anything in my fridge to drink except Red Bull and Monter. So I have been drinking Red Bull all day! Also water, so don't freak out people! The Monster is Burger's... When Jake is done eating I think we are going to the mall in Waterloo. I was going to get my Burger a surprise from the bookstore. And look at shoes... Hope everyone is having a good time today! I'm all hopped up on Red Bull, so you know I am! Much love!
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
I'm Back!
Alright, people... This has been a crazy crazy time the past week or so. Our computer had a virus that Burger couldn't get rid of so we had to take the computer in to Computer Reboot to be fixed. But, before we could get there, our entire neighborhood flooded. When the flood came, we were so nervous! It was a 1/2 block away from our house in the front and the back! I know a lot of people around here were flooded, and we were so lucky that it didn't get to us! Our basement didn't even get wet! We are gracious for that kind of luck... So after the flood died down a bit we took our computer in and finally got it back today! That's a long story short. The main idea, you could say. I should be adding some new photos sometime soon. I am working on Jacob's 2nd birthday pics, but you will not see those until his birthday party, currently being planned for Sunday, August 3rd, 2008. Have a good day everyone, and hopefully I won't ever leave for that long again!
Monday, June 9, 2008
Busy Weekend!
Alright, I didn't disappear! We have been crazy busy! Burger finally got home on Thursday night at about 9:30. On Friday night we grilled out with Kerry. On Saturday we went to the zoo in Des Moines, and on Sunday we hung out and visited family. We also ruined our flooring, but that a whole different story! The zoo was really fun! Jacob didn't quite get it, but he liked to look at the animals. When my mom asked him about it, he was totally oblivious. Like what the heck is this lady talking about... a zoo? What's that? So, I don't think it made that much of an impact on him, because usually he has a really good memory! Anyhow, we are getting ready to go to work right now, but I might post our zoo pictures later! Have a good day everyone!
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Boring Days
Story of my life. Went to work, got Subway for lunch, Kerry came and ate lunch with us, Jake didn't take a nap until 3:30 this afternoon, and Burger is working late. It is ten after seven and he's not home yet. I miss him. Jacob and I are bored. I thought about going to the store, but I don't have anything to buy. Pretty soon it will be time for Jacob to go to bed, then I will be all by myself until Burger gets home. They are tying in a fire alarm at work, or something like that. The guy didn't get there until 5pm and Burger wasn't sure how long it would take. I'm tired of waiting. Jacob has the worst cold/allergies ever. I have been giving him Claritin, and that seems to make him feel better until the evenings. But I can only give it to him once a day because it is a 24 hour formula. So he is kind of miserable right now. He is eating fine and drinking fine, and I really think he has allergies. But I'm just the mom, I don't know what I'm talking about. Good night everyone. Wishing you all the best.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Today I went to work. Nothing exciting. Came home, did laundry, Jake took a nap, I chatted on the phone with Megan. Jake and I ate some pretzels and they made me sick to my stomach so I laid down for a bit. Burger came home. We took tubs then Burger washed the dishes. My love. How lucky am I to have a husband that will come home from work and wash the dishes? We are getting ready to go to my grandma's house to have dinner with my family. Hope everyone has a nice night! Will be back tomorrow to talk more boring details of my life!
Monday, June 2, 2008
Double Work Day!

Today was a double work day for me! The girl who usually works the night shift couldn't make it in tonight, so I was called in as backup. So I did a double, split shift today. Not too bad, but I definitely wouldn't want to do it everyday. I like to have my afternoon and evenings at home! But, can't complain about my job. It's the best, most fun job ever! And I get paid to do it! So that's that story. Jacob stayed home with Burger this evening and they had some nice bonding time! My house is a disaster, but when isn't it? I'll work on that tomorrow! Hope everyone has a nice night! Also, these are pictures of Jacob and his freeze pop things! He loves these!
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Sunday Funday!

We didn't relax a whole lot today, but we did have fun! We went to kids zone at My Waterloo Days with cousins and friends. Rode the train again, and ate funnel cake! Yum! Then we went to Target and bought a new DVD player because ours finally cashed in totally. Then Jacob had a nice nap while Burger and I hosed down our new outside toys that Grandma Hild got us. When Jacob woke up we ate supper then played in the sprinkler. Jacob wasn't very impressed with it, but he didn't hate it! After that we walked to the park and played with Grandpa Hild. Then we all had a tub and now Jacob is in bed. He isn't actually in his bed sleeping yet, but he's thinking about it more seriously. Burger and I are getting ready to watch a movie. We had a fun day, and tomorrow we all get to go back to work! Hope everyone else enjoyed their day. These are some pics of Jacob in his swimming suit!
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