These are our newest pictures! He got the bike from grandma and grandpa Hild for Easter. He loves it, and can get on and off by himself! But he doesn't know how to pedal yet, so he can't actually go anywhere on it! the one above that is from our Easter egg hunt! Jacob knows how to open the eggs and take the candy out! Then we have Jacob and grandpa Hild sitting in the chair together. And we played outside the other day when it was nice weather out! So the top picture is of him outside! Hope you enjoy, and feel free to leave me comments! I love to see comments...
Saturday, March 29, 2008
not moving today...
So, we are not moving today. We have to wait until Monday or Tuesday, it's a long story. We are disappointed, but not too much. Our bank lender said that it is nothing to worry about, just some paper work that is taking a little longer since the bank people are backed up. Or something like that. Anyways, closing should be on Monday or Tuesday, probably no later than that. We are planning on moving everything next weekend. Wish us luck.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Almost Easter!
Today we are getting ready for Easter at my house. Jacob collected his toy bunny early because mommy told grandma that Jacob wouldn't play with it. Jacob also got a bike from grandma and grandpa Hild for Easter, and he collected that early, too. So The Easter bunny is not bringing a lot for Jacob on Easter morning, but Jacob still made out like a bandit! Yesterday, we played at the PlayStation in Cedar Rapids and had alot of fun! Then we stopped at Toys'R'Us on the way home and they had 50% off the clearance prices!! I love some good bargains! Jacob got two pairs of shoes and a couple outfits! Lucky dog, he was yesterday! I will be posting some pictures from the play station on a later date. For now, everyone have a good day!
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Today we are going to Cedar Rapids to play in the play place thing that's there. We are going with my aunt and her two kids, so this should be fun! A crazy day! Wish me luck!
Monday, March 17, 2008
Today is St. Patrick's Day! Everyone here is wearing green, even Burger! I made sure he put on a green t-shirt this morning so he wouldn't get pinched all day! But the second he takes it off after work, I'm pinching away! Other than that, we are boring today! We rented the movie "Dan in Real Life" last night and that was pretty good. Mostly a girl movie, but Burger liked it. We also rented "Wiggles, Chase the Rainbow!" That was Jake's personal favorite! He has taken a shining to the Wiggles, and I can live with that. At least it's not Barney, right? Also, to update anyone who reads this, we did not go to the doctor today. He woke up in a grand mood and has been sunny all day! He took a nap at naptime with no problems! He hasn't been eating much, but he acts fine, so I decided he was fine! Have a good day!
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Picture Time!
The weekend!
Burger worked yesterday, so today we are all just relaxing and taking it easy! We are going to be going to the store so we can get paper dishes so I can pack my dishes away for the move! I know it's kind of early, but I am tired of washing dishes constantly, so paper dishes it is until we move! YAY!! Jacob I think has ear infection. He has been grumpy grumpy and throwing fits when it is time for bed. And he doesn't act that way, so I am blaming an ear infection. We will be going to the doctor tomorrow, hopefully, and get this situation taken care of. I hope everyone has a good day!
Thursday, March 13, 2008
daddy and baby
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Getting Stuff Done
Today, Jacob and I are getting stuff done. Already we're sitting at my mom's house emailing people! That's a good start! Who knew buying a house was so much work... the house thing is fine, but now we are finding insurance. And I have some paper work to take to my lender, and then I promised Jake that we could go play at the mall when I was done with everything. Hopefully today will be more productive than yesterday. I couldn't get anything done yesterday because Jake was CRAZY! I turn my back and when I look again, an ENTIRE roll of wrapping paper was unrolled across the living room... It was great. Today is going much better, fortunately. These are his beautiful baby feet! I love these pictures and made a collage out of them to have at home. He can be crazy, but in the end ya gotta love it!
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Today we went to our nieces 2nd birthday! We had fun, but Jake was super grumpy because it was right in the middle of his nap time... oh well! We got to see some family and what not... We are totally ready to move! Easter comes first and I am getting excited for that,too! Back to work tomorrow, which is not fun! I hate my job and want to look for a new one. My coworkers are so negative and the whole place is full of negative energy. I'm always thinking, like, when I leave everyone is talking about me. And the sad thing is, it's not just me being paranoid! They actually DO talk about me, or anyone else, when we leave! It's seriously like high school all over again, except worse! I really am starting to hate going there. And I hate that I hate my job... As a last note, I took the cutest pictures of Jake's eighteen month old feet! And also one of our hands... tried to upload them and the PC wouldn't let me. So those are coming sometime in the near future! Have a nice night everyone!
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Last update today- promise!
Ok, sor really, this is the last update today. I promise! I just have the time today because I don't work on Thursdays, and I keep thinking of things to add! We are at my parents house right now, and when we leave we are going to the mall to play in the little play area. Jake LOVES it there... but the other parents freak me out. They act like we're best friends and I don't even know them! They just sit next to me and talk and talk and comment on how beautiful my child is (that part I dont mind!) anyhow, so whats up with these crazy mall parents? If you have any advice for me, please share! Have a good day! !
Cute Baby
Oh my gosh... so can you tell I have no idea how to do this?Sorry I put the one pic on twice and sorry they're all sideways! I couldn't figure out how to fix it... I'm Computer retarded and I apologize! I took these pics in my house with my digital camera. Hope you all enjoy even though they are sideways... Also, just to catch everyone up, they accepted our offer to buy the house on Falls! So, we are buying a house! We are waiting to dot the i's and cross the t's... I will try to keep things updated for everyone!
Pictures, FINALLY!!
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